Now, your guess is as good as mine when I get this foul thing removed. The plan was to leave at 1-ish, head down to Mtn View, pull the sucker and be happy, leaving the children in Auntie's oh-so-capable hands. That did not take into account the little one projectile vomiting bloody goo (bloody-nose leftovers) all over her entire room, repeat, ENTIRE room, at 3 am.
We have issues. We are not happy campers. I would almost swear that the stupid catheter is causing the weird leg and hip pain and spasms and fluid retention/edema in my upper legs which are making it near-impossible to rest much less sleep.
Oh, and it decided to pop a leak last night, coming un-coupled at a coupler that I didn't realize WAS a coupler.
No, not happy campers, nosirree.
So, right now I'm working the phones trying to get my oncologist down in Mtn View to ok for either my OB/GYN in Chico or the happy, nice ER doc here in town (who is, by coincidence an OB/GYN too) to pull this sucker and buy me a few days time before we have to drive down there. At least then we can deal with the biohazard cleanup at home...... My poor Auntie isn't going to want to come visit me anymore!
Time for more crossing of fingers, toes, and any other stray appendages.
And yes mother, I am eating. Not much, no, but I am eating and there are witnesses.
Good karma, good karma, good karma, good karma, good karma, good karma, good karma, good karma, good karma, good karma, good karma,good karma, good karma, good karma,
There, I'll send you more good karma later. Don't want to use it all up at once!
My gosh, when it rains, it poors!! Is there anything you need? Jamie
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