Saturday, October 4, 2008

A hint of fall in the air

Sparky says "hi."
Sparky loves you, whether you like it or not.

Today is one of those days just designed for laying in bed under warm quilts and doing precisely nothing. It rained cats and dogs and frogs yesterday, and it's still gray and ooky. Lucky me, I don't have any major commitments beyond laying in bed. That works out well. Maybe I'll invite the little one and Auntie up here for a chick-flick movie fest or something.

Medical stats for the day: Still have a UTI, which is irritating as hell in all possible ways. Today's morning fever was 100.7. Woke up with such a sore, inflamed throat that it was almost swollen closed. I frankly wonder if I have a bit of a cold or allergy thing I'm fighting off, my darling husband says it's because I snore with my mouth open all night. Whatever.

Still not so hot on eating--breakfast yesterday was fine, and my darling husband went and got me the special garlic bread I love for dinner as long as I promised to eat a little pizza too, but the McDonalds I wanted so badly for lunch bounced almost on impact. Oh well. It's a triumph to get anything in me, because the ER doc on Thursday said that very bad word, "ketones." If you know about diabetes, you'll know how bad that is, if not, let me tell you--it's bad. Diabetic ketones kill. Your body starts attacking the glucose in cells and breaking them down to get what it needs when you don't have enough nutrients. Serious bad news. So, if it's only garlic bread, FINE, it's food.

In less pain from the surface infections around the catheter suture sites & those are getting a little less red, pus-sy and angry looking. The big-ass HOLE where my jp drain was is now pretty well closed over, thank the gods. That thing gave me the heebie-jeebies.

My main incision still looks remarkably like Jack Skellington's mouth, though not as much as it did with the staples still in. Maybe for Halloween this year it'd be more effective if I UN-dressed rather than dressed up.

Oh, and for even more fun, I'm going to work on sort of "mapping" the scars and incision holes on my abdomen. Once I get that part done, perhaps I'll offer a special prize for the person who comes up with the best dot-to-dot design for me to tattoo on.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that you are posting again. I'm ready to hop across the street to visit when you are up for it!!

Anonymous said...

It's Jamie

darcy said...

I'm watching Grace in the tub try & brush her hair with a kitchen scrub/vegetable brush.. then she is "drying" it off with a soaked wash cloth.

Just a quick note to let you know that you are missing absolutely NOTHING while stuck in bed. I'll send more karma so your UTI goes away. Not sure what ritual I will invoke, but I guess it should involve cranberries.

Jaime said...

Poor Sparky. So picked on and unloved.

So, should I be your mother and lecture you on eating? Soups, scrambled eggs, oatmeal or cream of wheat--yogurt even. Mild, easy to keep down and actual real food. Fruit smoothies! There's an idea.

I'm guessing the combination of trauma to your body, infection and the ketosis is all combining to make you feel like pond scum. McDonalds is not the best choice while feeling like pond scum.

Eat dear heart. Don't make me worry about you.

Love you