Well, today's grand activities included general tidying up of the bedroom and helping Lloyd change the sheets on the bed. There was much walking around the room and some mild stretching and bending, and I am feeling virtuous for having exercised. Now I'm taking the rest of the day off.
I hope y'all realize that this blog isn't a terribly exciting thing anymore. There is no more surgery (we sure as hell hope) to prepare for, and just some fairly mundane daily frustrations of recovery. I'm definitely testing my limits a little each day, stretching up a little further, bending a little more, even staying downstairs for several hours last night for our traditional Saturday night family movie time. Sometimes it feels good, sometimes it doesn't feel so good. But it's all pretty boring to report, unless you want an hourly progress update on my bladder problems! (which you don't)
Today felt good, doing just a little bit to tidy up the bedroom and have nice clean bedding, but I am definitely all swelly and edema-y now. That is the downside to the increasing activity, and Dawn says it'll last quite a while too. Lymphedema is a lovely puffy swelling in my upper thighs and pelvic area, thanks to the accumulation of lymph fluid since I no longer have any pelvic lymph nodes.
I am bummed that I can't go participate in the vast outdoor Halloween decorating that is going on down there, but I have to accept that much. Lloyd and the young ones will do a great job. We do as much these days for Halloween as we do for Christmas, so I'll have to be sure to take some photos once the goblins have finished their decor. There's another piece of that small-town vibe--people really, seriously get into holidays around here! I should be more than recovered enough to do plenty at Christmas, and I will do my normal little bits of indoor Halloween decor, so I'll have to be satisfied with that.
So, I took a nice hot shower (which is almost exercise in itself), put on my squooshers, as I call them (Spanx long leg compression garments, OH-SO-fashionable), some nice clean warm jammies and crawled into my nice bed with 2 dogs (one of whom is apparently having some interesting dreams), 2 cats, my knitting, leftover Chinese food and the Food Network. For now, I feel that life is complete.
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