Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hey, lookie! No, over there!

No, over THERE. Right around October 25, next to the CT machine...

It's a giant free-floating anxiety attack!

Yes, I just looked at the calendar and noticed that it's damned near CT time again. Instant anxiety attack I don't know where the days and nights all go, but they are sure going fast these days. I have dozens of projects in some form of progress, from concept to almost done, but none of them seem to be moving anywhere. The days, weeks, months just fly by and I keep having Ferris-flashbacks about missing it.

Well, it's nearly 1am, and I'm just now writing something on the poor, neglected blog, so that should give you some idea, huh?

So, quickly, let's see....... the worst part of the tooth extraction nightmare is past. The first of several, sadly. Chemo was rough, since I had the Neulasta and flu shots right on top. Then, I saw Andy on Thurs, Friday, on to the dentist, and here we are. Wheeeeeeeeeee!

Is it time for my nap yet? Oh! It is! I get the feeling that my darling husband would like it very much if I would put down the idiotPad, shut up and go to sleep. Besides, I can't hold my ice pack and type at the same time.

1 comment:

Pabs said...

Dude, like the flame wallpaper! When all else fails, we have flame wallpaper, I don't know about you, but that makes ME feel better, all things considered...sharing odd-ness, I had a dream last night that Kelly (yes, the one from high school that used to live across the street from me) asked you and I to speak to his classroom of cancer doctors, we were like 'guest speakers' of the day. He was curing cancer in all its various forms with this room full of brilliant people he was leading (which I think really IS what he is doing, curing some type of cancer through research, in Foster City?) ANYway, that was random, no more Indian food before bed for me! I hope you are felling better after all that (dentist, chemo, shots) and glad to see you and the crApple are getting along better :) ~P