Thursday, October 8, 2009

Off to see the wizard....

Or something like that. Actually, I'm off to see the JFK Class of '89 20-year reunion, which has even less chance of providing me with a brain, a heart or courage.

Nothing about this trip is quite working out the way I originally planned it, which is leading to one of my classic little agoraphobia episodes. I don't wanna go! I'll be perfectly happy once I'm there, mind you, but I don't wanna do all the stuff it takes to get there. I want to lay down on the couch and hide with a puppy or three and a book and not move.

But, alas, I now have an appointment with my surgeon, Dr. Pisani, on Monday down in Mountain View, so I have to go no matter what. It'll be the first time I've seen him in forever, and now I need that nasty prolapse fixed as soon as possible. It's very likely that I'll be back down there having surgery in the not too distant future. Pooooooooo.

Right now, it's time to go get ready to run errands and get my hair done and eat something and then start sorting clothes and gathering toiletries and accessories and knitting and books and all my wardrobe options for the reunion and and and and and and and

I would like to be taking a nap instead.

1 comment:

Auntie said...

You're right, once there you will have a great time. And after all, you have to get up anyway so what the hell. Since I do know your underlying feelings about this and what is causing them I will say that you don't need the reunion to provide you with anything but a good time. You are starting the trip with the required heart and courage and we all know you have a perfectly good brain that works overtime. Take a deep breath,pack those bags and have fun.