Sunday, October 25, 2009

Random thoughts from flu-land

Ok, it finally happened. I have the flu. Everyone in the house has had some version of the flu, but my version is different than theirs. Unfortunately, it's very likely that I have the H1N1 strain instead of the seasonal strain, according to what I've read on the CDC websites, based on, among other things, the fact that I've actually had a seasonal flu shot some weeks ago . Grr.

At least the timing is good. I have to recover from this before surgery, or else! I have enough time now, and a little bit later I might not. Luckily, I also have THE best doctor in the entire world. When I saw Andy on Thursday, he gave me a prescription for Tamiflu, and by the time it got filled I very definitely needed it. Thank you Andy!!

I've never had Tamiflu before, so it should be interesting to see what it's like.

Meanwhile, cartoons are good, and "The Penguins of Madagascar" is the best cartoon on tv. It's actually almost as good as the Madagascar movies. If you're not familiar with it, it features the 4 penguins, of course, as well as the lemurs, King Julian, Maurice and Mort. None of the voices are the same as the movie, but they've got such good imitators, you'd never know. Can you tell I am quite impressed? My digital cable box gives me reminders of when to turn the channel for the next showing.

Also of note, "Mighty B" is a cartoon featuring Amy Poehler as this rather manic "Honeybee Scout" girl. It's hilarious. Once again, Nickelodeon rules the airwaves with GOOD kids content. The cartoons are actually smart AND funny. Can we tell I like cartoons?

Sitting in bed being sick also seems to get me a lap-cat from time to time. Lap-cats are even better than cartoons, but they tend to leap off your lap rather unpredictably.

So, we shall see how quickly this booger goes away. First thing in the morning and last thing at night are always the worst........At least it's good practice for my post-op confinement, right? RIIiiiight.

I'm sick. I'm kind of dippy. Whee!

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