Friday, October 2, 2009

Ok Mom...puppy pictures, as requested! Notice how the "puppy" is far larger than Sparky now! She's far taller than either Pea or Sparky now, and outweighs them too.

Peadog loves her hoodie. She's weird.

My biggest question is where the Border Collie
part of her got lost amongst all the Lab genes!!

She's my Labradollie. :-


auntie annie said...

Nope, sure cannot see border collie in that girl ! She is a beautiful Labrador though.......such a pretty face and gorgeous shiney fur.Sparkey and Pea are pretty cute too. I will have to show you a picture of my 2 border collies. auntie Annie

Jaime said...

See? You can be an obedient child. *g*

She reminds me so much of Sam. So pretty.

Love you

THE PRINCESS of everything ... said...

good grief she has grown sooooo fast! don't ya just wish she could stay little & cuddley (rather than BIG & cuddly?)