Thursday, December 16, 2010

And the result was....

(the results of the CT/angio performed this afternoon are....). NEGATIVE for any blood clots, which is what they were looking for, and shows no changes to all the other random stuff in there.

This means YAY, Good, Happy Day, skip and single a jaunty little tune.
I'm going to sleep as as soon as humanly possible!!!


Cindi Amador said...

Woot Woot! Great news. Every little bit of positive goes a long long way. Please, please, please try to rest and sleep. Sending you some holiday love!

Jaime said...

I know that mothers aren't supposed to advocate failing tests, but I'm kind of liking this trend. Keep it up. *g*

Love you

Pabs said...

I find it amazing, 'you people' ;-) who are so good with 'kids', you should see M, odd that HE of all people is good with KIDS. Me, I'd rather be with the dogs, because they understand me...but who knew when you and I were going to Setzer concerts at One Step Beyond, YOU would 'grow up' to be good with kids?! ;)

(I passed on your wisdom about kids to someone who needed it the other day about '...unless it involves fire or blood...')

I know what you mean about 'what Chtistmas', I've been corgi-sitting, so the days have just been literally full of poop and kibble non-stop, so is it Christmas? Let me go find my 'Chris Isaak Christmas' CD to make sure...?

Congrats on the clean scan, my vitamin D #'s just fell off a cliff, so on goes the health thing into 2011, joy. Well, as it is with our lives, 'it could be worse' and we so know that, so I'll pop my pills and just be happy to do so. I guess my body misses all the time poolside in Fremont?! ;)

I hope you have a great holiday and get my gift?

Unrelated but related, the other day I think I passed by the hotel that you had the Reno Christmas party in? Was it in Burlingame or around there, off 101?

Ah the memories...