Thursday, December 2, 2010

No fair!

Absolutely not fair!

I went to see Andy yesterday, and now I have until Monday "off." (since going to doctors and dentists js basically my "job," I always feel like days we can stay home are like days off work.)

SO, what happens when I have four free days in front of me? C'mon, you all know the answer to this one: I GET SICK.
Of course!!!

I woke up at four, or some other ungodly hour, shivering so hard my teeth were slamming into each other, chattering. I had to put a wad of gauze in my mouth to bite on and not break my remaining teeth. Bundled up in a robe and hat and popped some ibuprofen to break the 100.4 fever. Oh, what joy! When I woke up again around seven, I still had the fever, but the shivering had stopped. Another dose of ibu and naproxen, and the fever finally broke around 8. Thank god, because if I have a fever of 100.5 or higher, I have to go to the cancer center or ER - chemo rules. I just missed it this time.

So now I have a congested everything; am dizzy as hell; feel kind of like I'm hung over; have a sore throat and a cough; have massive body aches, like you get with the flu; and have a major seeing-spots kind of headache.


What did I do?

Could someone out there please speak with the-powers-that-be and get this stopped?


Auntie said...

I tried but the powers weren't speaking to me. (Sigh).I love you and hope you get better soon. :(

Jaime said...

You walked into a doctor's office full if icky, icky germs, that's what you did. If we could just keep you out of those places you might stay well. :/

Rest and get better.

Love you,
(who is running off to work in the dark to deal with crazed holiday shoppers)

Cindi Amador said...

Thinking of you. Sorry you are so sick. Eat that Mexican food that you crave, try something spicy it will clear out your sinuses. hang in there my dear. Maybe the Christmas cheer will help you feel better. Lots of love and girl power sent your way.