Tuesday, December 14, 2010

'tis the Season!

'tis the season for absolute exhaustion, is what it 'tis the season FOR.

Could someone please remind me how I used to do all this stuff AND have a job and something of a life? I once remember going to three Christmas parties in a single day, and now I'm doing great if I can make it up the stairs three times in a day.

Anna is, as always, being an incredible helper and head elf, wrapping, decorating and anything else I ask her for help with. I just can't keep up with her, and like every other occasion that comes around these days, *this* Christmas is the one where I have to stop, sit down, and reevaluate absolutely everything I'm trying to do. And, inevitably, cut what I'm trying to do in half, then half again........and probably in half again.

And as I write that, I realize that it is 12:54--- and that I have to get up early in the morning to go shopping, (because I discovered that I am definitely not done shopping for my head elf) and THEN head up the mountain for an appointment with a man who will probably want to stick things up my butt. Yep, I made an appointment for that privilege. Gastroenterologists have the best jobs.

SO, more later. I just wanted to drop in and let everyone know I'm still alive! Chemo this week, whee!!
Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Pabs said...

I know what you mean, the 'limited' abilities this has all left me with makes me wonder HOW it was I used to get so much done in a day, and at the same time, makes me realize I soooooooo CANNOT do that anymore, gee, I wonder why?! Sucks royally, a serious bummer. I do now pawn stuff off onto the more healthy and able in my life now because I kinda feel like I have to, to get stuff done. I think I saw Sheryl Crow on Dr. Oz who said that what she learned while she had Cancer was the ability to say 'no'. Instead of agreeing to do everything for everyone, she just said no, there are some things she just couldn't stretch to do anymore...who says you can't learn handy tips from rockstars? ;-)

ANYway, I am Corgi-sitting so I must say I love your photo of the peaceful dogs, they are lucky they all have, what looks like to us humans, a built in smile :-)

Happy holidays to you and the family, I hope for a new year with stronger cells :)