Tuesday, January 18, 2011

And all is well!

No silly pictures, but all done, and all is well in my tummy. And in my esophagus, and my small intestines.

No polyps, no nothing, just a healthy line of stomach sutures. Yay!

Next week, we get to do the exam from the other end and see what the colonoscopy says. I can't say I'm thrilled about having it, but at least then it will be over.

Now home to rest...
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Cindi Amador said...

Great news!!

Tif said...

woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's wonderful!!!

Jaime said...

You just keep on failing all these tests. Negative results are just what we want. Oh yeah. *g*

Off to another nine hour shift. Can you feel the joy? I knew you could.
