Saturday, January 8, 2011


Do you know what this is?

*These* are fully packed boxes of Christmas crap, all ready to be dragged out to the garage. Luckily, that part isn't my job. My job is DONE! No Christmas decor all over the house for the whole year!


Now I can read and knit for the rest of the day without the slightest bit of guilt. I kinda spent the last two days in bed, exhausted from the last time I did some work around the house, so that guilt was piling up...

But now I'm feeling quite pleased with myself. Utterly exhausted, but pleased.
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{Hey, where'd the picture go?! Ah, well, it was just a photo of packed plastic crates anyway.}


Cindi Amador said...

Hey! I just typed in the name of the book in Bings' search and your blog came up! HA HA!

Stephanie said...

Just out of curiosity, what book? (don't know who you are either!

Auntie said...

I share your joy. The garage is clean, the Christmas boxes neatly in one corner and the garage sale was a success!All thanks to the help of your cuz Josh who is always a big help. Is it bad that I am so happy when I am organized?

Stephanie said...

No, no dear Auntie, it just means that we are related! Organization is a truly wonderful thing.

Housework and organization have long been my retreat in the face of stress, too. I may not be able to control much else in my life, but I can sure as hell clean my house...right?!

Cindi Amador said...
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Cindi Amador said...

Steph-It was me that posted the comment about the book. Not sure why my account name didn't show up. I was looking up the Illustrated food book so my husband could buy for my birthday and when I typed it in the search your blog came up as an option. Just thought it was kinda funny. Have a great week!! Cin

Stephanie said...

Cin - that is really funny! Perhaps the publishers should be paying me a commission for the referral! Maybe I should go back and add a few more glowing words of recommendation.