Sunday, January 23, 2011

A bigger-bigger bed!

This, dear readers, is why the world needs to make a bigger bed available to the general public.

When you think about it, the PetKing(tm) size would be an instant hit! As long as a Cal-King, and as wide as a std King plus, oh, maybe a full/double as well and Bingo! You've actually got a mattress big enough for two normal sized people and at least 3 largish dogs, with spare corners for a pussycat here or there.

It would be revolutionary!

Now we just need them to make bigger sheets...and bedrooms... But I really think I'm onto something here.

SNL + Sees Candy = strange ideas
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1 comment:

Auntie said...

Dogs In The Bed! Dogs In The Bed! Re read the book Steph, don't you remember YOU are supposed to move to the floor? Maybe you should just make Pea a nice princess bed of her own?