Thursday, July 7, 2011

Good CT results!!!


For *once* I have some actual GOOD scan results to report - some really good ones!

None of my nodules have ANY growth, for the first time ever, AND a couple of them showed a little bit of SHRINKAGE. Trust me, I'm as shocked as you are. I've never had any shrinkage before!

As I told Dr. Mazj, we'll stick with this chemo mixture for awhile, huh?

I'm actually plugged in to the chemo machine as I type this, so we'll go for short and sweet today. I was also very, very sick yesterday - in bed with fevers sick, sick, sleeping all day, so I'm a little late in sharing the good news, but better late than never, huh?

We now return to our regularly scheduled nap. (and the realllllly good new book I've started.....shhhhhhhh....)

1 comment:

auntie annie said...

YAY FOR SHRINKAGE !!!!! Love ya, auntie Annie