Thursday, July 14, 2011

An Ode to My Neutrophils

Oh, wretched little granulocytes,
You bounced me out of chemo yet again
Neutropenia keeps me from my weekly toxic cocktail
Guilt-ridden and immunosuppressed, I'm inadequate, insufficient
Don't measure up, when the leukocytes are counted

How I never dream'ed I'd miss the poison kiss!

Suppressed -
You hold me prisoner, wily neutrophils
Baby white cells,
Keep me from raw sushi, hollandaise and Caesar;
Sharing food with my love, or even a straw;
You hold me fast from kissing sick children or gardening without my gloves;
Pitching hay, drinking from rivers, or even spelunking!

Damned bat guano

And yet, tiny little leukocytes,
Do I owe you thanks?
No diaper changing or catbox cleaning for life!

Oh, 'tis a quandary all together, and one without answer,
So long as these temperamental little cells wax and wane
Mischievous smiles on their little cellular faces as they torment me


THE PRINCESS of everything ... said...

now THAT'S a mouthfull!!!

Stephanie said...

What - ? Doesn't everybody write poetry to their white blood cells?

Pabs said...

I never thought about writing about them, heck I couldn't even take the shots, is that part true about the cat box? Or is it still that general 'don't be around germs that your body has to burn extra white cells to fight' thing? Yes, they told me no raw veggies or fruits, everything has to be boiled, pasteurization is your friend...hang in there, mine took up to 4 weeks to return to the minimal level, only to have them knock em' all down which I still say, stay in, and The Food Network is also your friend!

Stephanie said...

Pabs, it is 100% true about the catbox! There is something very nasty called toxoplasmosis you can catch from cat poop. Basically when your cell counts are down, you should avoid doing ANYthing involving poo. Not a bad side effect, that one! You get to pass off all poop related chores to someone else!!!

Auntie said...

Attacking your white cells with poetry are ya? You are endlessly interesting my little niece and,I think, infinitely talented in so many ways. Perhaps you should be the writer in the family? You are certanly entertaining enough.

Tif / Halu-Halo said...

you're a freakin' inspiration! AND i can't believe you're painting! (i do LOVE the color though!). i guess ya' can't keep a good woman down!