Sunday, May 3, 2009

It had to be fluff.

My hands are cooperating today, so we get an entry! Yay!

It's funny how two seemingly unrelated things can combine to make a royal pain in my ass.  Case in point....
Thing 1: Since knitting seems to drive my poor hands batty, I got the great idea that I might be able to do some spinning, since the hand movements used entirely different.  A majority of the hard work of spinning is in the feet and ankles, while the hands mainly guide the puffs of fiber through the machine.  Ok.  Nice rainly day, maybe I'll try spinning.

Thing 2: My puppy is obsessed.  I think all puppies get obsessed with something, be it chewing on shoes or eating plants or something.  Mine goes for dust bunnies and Sparky-fluff--the yellow stuff from his toy that lands all over the house.  Outdoor cobweb/dust/plant fiber puffs blowing by?  Yum!  So, has anyone guessed what really sends her over the moon?

Yup, the one activity that I think I can do involves fluffy puffs of fluffy puffy camel or wool fiber fluff that my darling puppy is determined to get her paws on at all costs.

This is really, really not fair.
But in other news, I called the cancer center about this hand bullshit and they're making me an appointment with a neurologist.  Oh, goodie.  A neurologist is an "ologist" I haven't had yet.  With any luck, he will do something for all this pain.  The hand is pissed now, so away I go.  Cross your fingers for me--I can't cross mine anymore!

1 comment:

Tif said...

your poor hands stephanie!!! i hope you can get to do some spinning, i know that you must have to have that wool fix! *hugs* chica...

i hope that your neurologist appt goes well!