Saturday, May 23, 2009

Stella, it is MUCH too early to be up!!

5:41 is not an hour seen by normal people.  I don't even think the early birds have left their nests yet.  Oh, but darling puppy-girl is racing in circles around the dining room table with her "Wiggly Giggly" ball and trying to fit in crawl spaces that she USED to fit in.  You've grown baby dog!

Meanwhile...Mommy fell asleep over the computer in her rocking chair.  Stella decided that would be a fine time to start eating the kitty's scratcher.  Oliver will be devastated and traumatized if I don't find another one, like, immediately.

I've been wondering the last few days, based on Miss Puppy's behavior, if it was time to start worrying about teething......I'm guessing that it is!

Thank GOD puppy training classes start today.  Muhahahahahaha!!!!  Stella has yet to fully learn that Mommy ALWAYS wins in the long run.
Off to mainline some caffeine and do some picking up around here so I stay conscious.                                          

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