Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Checking in...

Howdy world. I'm still out here, still alive, just kind of laying low. There hasn't been a lot to say about me lately. The one and only piece of medical news I have is that my thyroid is whacked out, and we're having to fiddle with the meds to try and get it to behave. All my other recent labs were actually pretty decent, for once.

Otherwise...just laying low. I've had some intense personal stuff to deal with, stuff which has been very upsetting, depressing, scary, frustrating, miserable and just plain sad.

So very, very sad.

Most surprisingly, it's made me realize how much I've come to rely on this blog as a way of working through my feelings, because in this circumstance, I can't use it. The stories, once again, are not mine to tell, and that is surprisingly hard for me to accept.

I have been sworn to secrecy, a manner of coping I strongly disagree with, but the decision is not mine to make either. All I could do was advise, share my experiences, beg, be angry, be sad, beg a tiny bit more, and finally remove myself from the entire situation. I just can't handle being in the middle of something which requires me to lie to everyone I know. That is a miserable place to dwell.

So, I'm still here...depressed & sad, literally sick to my stomach, just kind of hiding out, sleeping too much & eating too little.

I can not and will not lie to all of you, the people who've supported me so much over the last year, so this post is here to tell you all why I've disappeared - at least as much as I'm able. I'm
ok, for the most part, and happy to hear from folks via email, facebook, texts...I'll just be pretty quiet for a while.

Many thanks and big hugs to everyone who's been there for me for so long. I'm sorry to desert you, but hopefully it won't be for too long. I'll pull out my lab results from a couple weeks ago and share all the good news found in them, which is something I meant to do back when I first got them, stuff like that, so at least you'll know I'm alive. :-)

Happy Fall everyone!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Tuesday

Heidi's wacky calender informs us that it is "Radiant Peace Day." Whatever that means.

I just realized that I actually have a tiny bit of news to report!
We took my beautiful Peadog to the vet yesterday and tormented her with exams and blood draws, but found out that she does NOT have a respiritory infection, which I was afraid of. She actually has allergies, which are easily treated with Benedryl. So now she's just sleepy all the time! Wait - she's a dog - will we actually notice?! ;-) She's also having bloodwork done to find out if there's a problem with her thyroid, but we sure hope there's not.

Otherwise, the big news is that she's fat. Oops. She's gained almost 10 lbs over the past year and now we have to make her lose it all. I haven't got the faintest idea where she got it from, aside from the problems with her shoulder making her less active, but it's got to go. She might feel a whole lot better almost instantly if we get the weight off, so my poor girl is on a diet. I've been informed that she's a senior citizen now and I have to treat her as such, but I'm not pleased about it. She can't possibly be getting old.

As for me, I managed to pop off a crown yesterday, meaning there's an urgent dental appointment in my immediate future. Boooooo hiss!!!

That's about in my semi-tradition of using absolutely lame things and silliness as filler, I present you with the latest idiotic celebrity baby names - one of my absolute favorite spectator sports. Perhaps you'll be as horrified/entertained as I am.
  • Sparrow James Midnight joins big sister Harlow
  • Ezekiel Czar joins brother(?) Xen
  • Someone had an Ella Betsi, which almost sounds normal, but of course mom & dad had to go for the cutsey spelling.
  • Finally, someone named their daughter in honor of both grandmas, combining Nancy and Leigh to come up with Naleigh.
`Did every celebrity out there forget what elementary school was *like* when they condemned their little one to endless teasing and torture on the playground? The only thing saving these kids is that they probably ALL go to the same schools, so everyone there has an idiotic name. I still feel sorry for them.

I think that's all. I hope everyone out there's having a great Tuesday.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weekend Update, Again

Well, my assessment of last week as a particularly crappy one was correct. It was a very crappy week.

As far as I go, things are pretty much fine. I'm battling some major headaches and other fun medical bits and pieces, but there's nothing that really requires posting about. It's the same old-same old, ya know.

I should have blood work results by the time I see Andy next week, so that will tell me how desperately my body might need blood or something.

The main reason for this post is to let all y'll know that posts might be a little sparse for a while. The reasons for that are to be found in the crappiness of last week, and I have things to cope with and go do, but those stories aren't mine to tell, so you'll just have to excuse me for a bit.

Hopefully, when I have some news to share, it'll be news about getting my nasty prolapse fixed. More surgery. Whee.
Well....stay tuned!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

RIP Bogart

Goodbye to Darcy's doggie Bogart. He lived a pretty good, long life, and was around for law school, the fun of the bar exam, the wedding, and two kids.
He was loud, and he snored, and was kind of a pain in the ass a lot of the time, but he was my best friend's best friend and dearly loved.
He will be sorely missed.
In terms of people I care about having painful things happen in their lives, this week is going to go down as a really shitty one. Here's to having it be over, very, very soon!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Anna!!!

Oh my. . . my baby girl turns 12 today!!!

As the cliches say, where does the time go?! I'm half shocked every time I look at her and see how tall and gorgeous and grown up she is. And she is - tall, gorgeous, grown up, smart, funny and above all else, confident about all the other things. She stands up straight and smiles and knows she's smart and funny and she's a happy person. It makes me very, very happy. I'm more proud of her than I can express.

Last night, we all went to Chilis for dinner (her choice of birthday meals...go figure.) Tonight, I make her dinner, we do presents, and I made her a cheesecake with chocolate cookie crust and we have strawberry pie filling to go with it. I might not be allllll the way off of sugar today. ;-)

This birthday also marks almost exactly 5 years that I've been part of her life, and we're both pretty proud of that milestone. We'll be having our 6th holiday season as a family; we have traditions for birthdays and holidays that we've built over these years, and it's pretty neat to have those, because it means we've been together as a group long enough to create them.

SO . . .

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Well, now that I've publically confessed my sins, I've gotta make restitution to my body, don't I?

In absolutely random, disjointed, ADD-ish order...

To start with, I laid in some supplies of decent snacky food to try and replace the red hots and other little sugar bombs. I'm having to remind my taste buds how much they like apples and carrots and bananas. Even though the apple tastes astonishingly bland and needs cheese to taste like anything, it's still a good start. (seriously there is no flavor at ALL. Hmm. I may have to have Conner taste test this to see if it's the apple, or if it's me.)

In other food news, I ate a real meal last night! I'd eaten the cereal for breakfast and some other things, so it really added up to about 3 little meals, which is impressive. Right now, I'm eating the apple and cheddar cheese with an English muffin, and I'm making tacos for dinner, so that should be at least 2 meals today. Yay!

One hope for all of this is that if I get my sleep schedule realigned (see below...), then I'll actually be awake and functional to make dinner for everyone. Tonight is taco night! (thanks Mom...the secret taco formula is still going strong!) Everybody loves taco night, including me, so it's almost a guarantee that I'll eat.

Tomorrow though, I have to make the cheesecake for Anna's birthday celebration on Monday, so all bets are off. It's going to involve dismantling many, many Oreos to make the crust, and the odds of me resisting all the leftover centers...................well, it's not pretty. But I will try to be full when I start to make it! The red hots are are the Golden Oreos and other things, but I am going to be strong. I've been fighting to ignore how crappy the sugar has been making me feel, but it would be much nicer just to be feeling good.

As for the Dr. Pepper, I'm just going to stop cold turkey on Monday and see if I survive. I've planned it so that I'll still have some left, just in case of emergency. Then again, with this weird overcast weather we're having - HOT, but thunderheads everywhere, like we moved to Houston - I might be in the mood for coffee again.

Lloyd and I tried the sleep-switch, with mixed results. Yesterday, instead of waiting until I was bone-, dead-tired in the afternoon, I woke him up at 9 and went back to bed until about noon. Got up, got dressed, and we went and ran errands. In the early evening, I could have easily gone back down for another nap, but I stayed up till the end of Conan again, and even into Jimmy Fallon a little.

I'm figuring out that I have to figure Conan into things...I didn't really think I'd like his version of the Tonight Show, but I actually like him almost as much as Leno, so he's going to have to be part of my routine somewhere. I sometimes find myself giggling do loud I'm afraid I'm going to wake Lloyd up, and anything that makes me laugh that much is a keeper. Record and watch him at 6:30 in the morning? Ooh, I could record and watch him right after my nap, at noon when that icky Rick Sanchez dude comes on CNN.
But I digress!

The only major drawback with the nap and errands we did yesterday is that we were kind of off-kilter with our eating schedules, where he and I really needed food somewhere around 4pm, which isn't compatible with wanting to eat dinner with the kids again at 6. Going to have to figure out how things like errands are going to work, but meanwhile, I'm going to keep with the 9 am naptime and see how it goes.

I think I'm on the right track, don't you?

Now, another player has been introduced to all of this as a possible reason for my lethargy and overall collection of problems - severe anemia. I'm going to have to get my labs done, finish some research and talk with some doctors before I know how much of a factor it is, so I can't elaborate yet. But, stay tuned. If it is a factor in what's going on with me, like what I feel is a pathetically slow recovery, this could be very interesting.

Right now, it's 9:17 and I'm just about dying for sleep, so I'm going to wake up my husband now.
More later....

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Confession is good for the soul...right?

Ok, I'm going to 'fess up to all of the very bad things I've been doing lately. I've made a promise to myself to get my shit in gear and try take better care of myself, try to make myself feel better and get out of some very bad habits I've been in lately.

I figure, if I tell all y'all out there what I'm needing/trying to do, then it's public, and (in theory at least) I'll be more motivated to follow through. Right? Especially since I gave Andy the address for the blog...knowing that my doctor can read this now should act as a powerful motivator.
So is my upcoming high school reunion.
Well, and there's always the concept of feeling decent and getting better as a motivator too.
What a revolutionary thought.

So, lots of reasons to NOT eat the palm-full of cinnamon red hots I just put in my mouth...

The plan is to start going cold emu, as I'm calling it, on Monday. Why Monday, you ask? Mainly because I need to gather a few supplies, and I'm not sure if I'll get my ass out to get them today or tomorrow. Saturday and Sunday, the kids are home from school, and I'm really not sure that's the best day to cut out sugar, caffeine, empty carbs and all that fun stuff. Frankly, I don't think that would be very nice of me to them, since I will most likely be home alone with all three on Saturday for a while, and with just Anna on Sunday while Lloyd and the boys go to an air show. I will start over the weekend, but not go fully cold emu until Monday. (Emus are very big birds...much bigger than turkeys. Cold emu/cold turkey - get it?)

By now you may be wondering what the problem is. Basically, I'm in one of my phases I get every so often where I've gotten off track in my diet, exercise and medication supplements. I am taking my meds properly, don't worry - it's just that I'm supposed to also be taking a whole
bunch of supplements to go along with them and help them work, and I haven't been doing it. I've been very bad about that, and a lot of other things...
  • I don't eat food. Not real meals anyway. I eat a piece of cheese here, a spoonful of cottage cheese there, a few cheddar-chipotle crackers over there, and some Double-Stuf Golden Oreos over here. And then there's the red hots... On any given day, I might eat one actual meal. Maybe. Now, there's definitely nothing wrong with my snacking on string cheese and fresh, marinated mozzarella balls. They just can't be my whole meal! I know that eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism, and I should eat at least two more small meals beyond that. At least. I'm eating Special K with soy milk right now. Good me.
  • And usually when I do eat pseudo-meals, they're pretty pathetic too. High calorie, high glycemic load, low nutritional value.
  • I have been on a complete sugar binge. The aforementioned red hots have been a major player, but lots of their friends from the Penny Candy Store have made their way home with me too. I've discovered that sucking on hard candies actually really helps with the dry-mouth I get from some of my meds and stuff. That's no problem in moderation...see the key word in that sentance? Moderation does not mean constant unconscious consumption while lost in reading a good book. It's HELL on my blood sugar (and I've been getting away with murder in relation to that!) and it actually prevents me from eating food because I'm pretty much always full. I'm down to my last tiny bit of red hots and I won't get any more. I can resist everything else I have very easily, but not those! Monday, no candy at all, no Oreos, nada - gotta get my entire system cleansed off the sugar addiction.
  • Caffeine is my friend.....but I have to change my delivery system. I managed to sort of accidentally get hooked back on the infamous Diet Dr. Pepper. Sadly, my favorite drink in the entire universe tends to eat holes in my stomach and give me lovely acid reflux problems. At least for a while, I'm going to cut caffeine out entirely if I can without monster headaches, except for maybe tea. Eventually, I'll go back to coffee to get my caffeine fix. It seems to cause my tummy far less trouble.
  • Dogs........Yes, I have a dog problem, because I have some dramatically under-walked dogs. I've got three of the greatest exercise machines ever invented here, and I'm not making use of them! That's not fair to them and not good for me. It's a bit of a juggling act, yes, because I can only walk two of them at a time, but I need to get moving more for all of our sakes. Maybe I need to practice triple walking outside in the court and see if I can do it.
  • Exercise in general has been lacking too. I really wanted to get started with yoga classes, and the universe really did not want me to. Every time it was class time,something happened. Every time! I finally gave up and started just practicing at home every day, but my practice time keeps getting smaller and smaller and I'm down to about 5 minutes a day. Not enough!!
  • And sleep! Even sleep is a problem! (See how horrible I've been lately?!!!) I get up with Stella at around 6, and usually end up taking a nap in the late afternoon. That used to work - she actually used to get up earlier and I would nap for a shorter time. As time has passed, it's wound up that I'm sleeping from 2 or 3 until 6 or 7 in the evening. Since I'm not getting out of bed until 7 pm, my internal clock is totally screwed up, and my body isn't ready to fall back asleep until the wee hours. The end result is that now I'm sleeping about 8 hours total, in 4 hours shifts. Bad, bad, bad! I don't ever feel rested, I constantly crave sleep, and I could sleep any time I have the chance, except from 10 pm (when we head up to bed) to 1/1:30 am. Why is that?!! It's totally not fair.
SO, I think that explains most of the problem........and is a full public confession of my sins!!
What am I going to do to fix all of these problems?
Stay tuned for my next entry...because to start with, I'm going back to bed. I'll work on the recovery plan when I get up. :-)

Monday, September 7, 2009

A good save, lessons learned, & the wonders of the state fair

So, today's post is about some interesting things I've learned lately. It might be a little longer and more photo-laden than usual, but there's a reason, so bear with me! Or don't, if you don't want to. :-)

A little more than a week ago, before the kids
went back to school, we went to the state fair. Well, to be clear, Lloyd and I went to the state fair, before the kids went back to school and we lost our dogsitters. I'm sure I mentioned that last year, we took all three kids to the state fair, and our excursion lasted about an hour, not
counting drive time. Anna was marginally interested, but the boys moped and bitched and
moaned so much that I was sick to my stomach
pretty quickly, so I insisted on a rapid exit.

We learn from our mistakes. This year, the two of us had a wonderful date-day to the fair to look
at all the wonderful things they have at state fairs... funky kids' artwork (the artwork is funky,
not the kids - as far as I know), prize-winning produce, free trees (we got a redwood) and cows. That kind of stuff.

Well, the first lesson we learned this year is to get there early. We had a vet appointment for the doggies in the morning and just took our time meandering down to Sac for the fair, getting there somewhere around 2 in the afternoon. After spending a few minutes visiting with Carole and her GORGEOUS babies, who were in CA visiting from their home in Australia, Lloyd and
I headed off into the first complex of buildings near the entrance of the fair, where the kids' artwork was displayed and some of the year's theme displays were. It's a little circle of about 6
fairly small buildings, not big expo halls or anything. When we looked up, we'd been there for nearly 3 hours, and had only made it through 4 of those small buildings. Eeek!! The fair closes at 10, but some exhibits close at sundown, so you do the math.

Next year, we devote a whole day to the fair and arrive early. Check.

I was really almost stunned by the quality of the artwork on display in the kids' building though. I think that's where we spent the most time during those initial hours, looking at every last piece. And I'm not an art person, seriously. There are lots of friends and relatives out there who
can testify to that. But, this was really good stuff, so I took lots of photos, mainly to show Anna. She has quite a bit of artistic talent herself, and I wanted her to see what kinds of things other
kids her age were doing and winning prizes for at the fair.

The first things to really get my attention were "the cube things," as I am calling
them. What the hell was the assignment here? "Make a big ceramic cube, with feet, lots of 3D sculpture on top and 3 sides, and
one side must have a framed photo." I swear to you, that's about as close as I can figure it out!! Do any of YOU know what the hell these would be called? All I know is that they're majorly cool shit.

All the ceramics were majorly cool, like Mr. Turtle up there at the top, and Mr. Dumpty over here.

I'll sprinkle in some of the other cool pictures I took in
a little bit...but we're coming to the "good save" part of the story.

The next lesson that I learned is to never, ever, ever sit and delete huge bunches of photos off my camera while I'm out someplace, like, say, the state fair.

While I thought I was deleting photos in batches by date, like "12/25/08," I somehow managed to delete
every single picture I'd take up to that point at the fair. All the cube things, all the artwork, everything. Oh, and of course I didn't figure that out until I was at home, trying to retrieve the pictures for a blog post. Needless to say - not pleased.

Thanks to Daddy's suggestion, I finally quit pouting about it, and went searching on the internet for some sort of app that might be able to find the pictures buried amongst the flotsam and
metadata on the card. I'll be damned, but it worked.

The first program I tried was called Easeus. This one found a ton of pictures on the card, but it found all the older files, all the ones I really had wanted to delete, and none of the fair photos. The next app I came across is called ZAR, or Zero Assumption Recovery. It took forever, bringing up a screen very much like a defrag map, and busily working away until it actually found all 681 files on the card. I mean, it found stuff I had deleted months ago!

So, ZAR has my strong endorsement. I can't say it was perfect, because it
did bring some photos up with a huge gray section, like this one, that was supposed to be of Lloyd "licking" a giant lollypop on the Big Rock Candy Mountain. I'm not complaining at all though, because I thought all these pictures were goners!

I'm going to be kind to those of you who don't want to sift through all my lame photos to get to the end of the post...I'll limit myself to just a few
more! ;-)

SO, photo fiascos aside, the fair was a blast. There was so much there that
I would have loved to do that we just didn't have a lot of time for, and some things that would have bored Lloyd to tears that I would have loved to do. They had a farm section with produce growing taller than my head and I could have spent forever wandering through!

Also of note was the 9/11 Memorial. Several
pieces of steel from the towers were brought to Sacramento as part of a traveling memorial exhibit, and seeing them was powerful. These are BIG pieces of solid metal, and they're twisted, bent, folded and crushed like tissue paper!

Amazing. The memorial plaza also includes a huge
photo exhibit, replica of the towers and a campanile (bell tower) that rings on the hour.

The only thing I didn't get to see enough of at the
fair were the animals. We saw lots, true, including a calf who'd been born just that morning and tiny little piggies who were only a day old, and bunnies, and birds and chinchillas, and all manner of strange chickens. But, I'm a dork about wanting to walk around in the big livestock barns and look at all the cows and all the sheep and things like that.

When it was time for food, I scored and Lloyd struck out. He got very brave and decided to try the fair's newest specialty - the "zucchini weenie." This is a rather large zuke, hollowed out, with a hotdog stuck inside, a stick inserted, and then dipped in corndog batter and deep-fried. I shit you not. Unfortunately, he was very much not impressed. Bummer, really. There were all kinds of deep-fried weirdnesses to try and I almost did...but I got smart and stuck to the tried and
true goodies.
I found the tacos. Hallelujah, I found the tacos. Those of you who have been to the Alameda County Fair with me know about the tacos. They're legendary, and I have to have them. They're made from some very floppy corn tortillas, filled with stuff I can't identify (and don't want to) and wrapped in paper that they stick to. They fall apart and make a giant greasy mess and I love them madly. I have been known to go to the fair just to get the tacos.

And funnel cakes. :-) It was worth it. It was, in all, a way-too-long day for me in my current state, but I really had the most fun I've had in forever. I can't get away with doing too much, and I suffered for this one, as I mentioned in a previous post.

But I really had fun.

Well now, after boring you all to death with all of this, and making myself crave tacos, I think I'm
done. I've got a few more neato pictures to stick here at the end for those who are interested...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

School time!

It's the most
wonderful time of the year....

Forget Christmas, I mean back to school!

When three children rise in the wee hours to scurry around with scowls on their faces, trying to remember how to eat breakfast in less than a half hour, or how to cram in as much computer time as possible without being late for the bus.... and then the house is left with those blissful sounds of silence and adults sighing with relief. Well, at least the one of us who's UP. ;-)

I'm not complaining though. My accustomed role as Stella's early morning companion changes somewhat now that school's back in, and I'm available to supervise the morning rush. It's pretty ok for all involved though - Stella loves having the kids around and the activity in the kitchen, and everyone stops to pet her as they fly by. I'm here to sign forms, answer questions, and be a general helper, like when someone sleeps through their alarm on the 2nd day of high school and is in a total flustered panic-rush. And when they leave, it's suddenly very, very quiet...the contrast is almost shocking.

It's only day three, but so far, so good. Conner is very pleased with the teachers and classes that he got for his sophomore year. The high school here has a funky schedule-picking concept called "Arena" wherein those above freshmen get to build their schedules themselves, picking their teachers even, and are about 90% guaranteed of getting what they pick out, barring some sort of administrative changes, of course. He got everything he planned out last spring, and four of his teachers are the same ones he had and liked a lot last year, so that works out well. One of those, his multimedia teacher, is the one who first accepted him into the class as a freshman (first time that ever happened - usually the class isn't open to freshmen at ALL!) and then groomed him to be sort of a TA *and* got him the gig over the summer videotaping another teachers wedding for real money. This is a good teacher to have on your side! I told him that if he gets good at the camera work as well as the editing, that could be a great little side job during the summer, hiring himself out as an affordable wedding videographer.

Trevor is cautiously happy with high school so far - so far as I can tell. He didn't get into media as a freshman (which I think secretly makes him INSANE, because for once he didn't get what he wanted and get to be an exception to the rule) and so he's actually starting Spanish before Conner does, which should prove interesting. The counselor actually told us (when we were doing Conner's scheduling) that the odds of a freshman getting into Spanish were slim, because all the juniors and seniors were clambering to get in after they'd served their two-year sentence in PE, which is why Conner didn't even try. He'll only get two years, but that's all the colleges require anyway. But, this is Trevor's first foreign language experience, and I'm genuinely curious to see how he does with it. He's brilliant in English, both technically and creatively, but I have no earthly idea if Spanish will come to him with the same facility. But overall, so far, so good.

Anna is perfectly thrilled with being a seventh grader. If you ask me, I think what thrills her the most is that she's the only Irwin in the school, with no big brothers with big shadows to hang over her. I don't blame her - she's the baby of the family, and has always had to follow behind the boys, and they leave some mighty big figurative footsteps. She was in tears at Trevor's graduation because he got so many medals, plaques and awards and she herself had only ever earned certificates. I never knew it was such a huge thing to her until then, but man, is it.

Now that I know how much it matters to her, I'm trying to help her earn some of those shiny things she wants so badly. I've told her to try and find out what all the awards are and what you have to do to earn them - things like CJSF (California Jr. Scholarship Federation, an honor society) and the Principal's Award, etc; they have about 20 different ones at this school - and then she can set some goals for her year. *I* personally don't get it....seriously. I can't wrap my mind around the idea of being desperate to earn a little gold disk on the end of a ribbon so badly that it makes me cry, but she is, and it does make her cry, so ok, by golly, I'll help her earn her little gold disks!!

But mainly, I think she's excited by the fact that she gets these two junior high years all to herself, and that is pretty cool. She'd never attended a school without at least one brother until we moved up here, when she was in 5th grade. Since Gridley has a middle school system (6-7-8) instead of junior high like Fremont did, as soon as we moved she got to be at the top of the food chain as a 5th grader, with no brothers above her, and man did she shine. Bright, sparkly shine!!

I have a very strong suspicion that these next two years will be much the same, so I'm really encouraging her to go for it. Join things, run for things, earn things, go, go, go! I think it will give her some much-needed confidence and ego boosting. She does pretty good in those areas these days anyway, don't get me wrong - she's a far cry from that little girl I met who thought she was ugly and dumb and I am SO happy about that - but a nearly-teenage girl can NEVER have too much confidence and ego boosting. Trust me.

ANYway, she's in 7th grade, and got into the multimedia class at her school, which is pretty rare for a 7th grader. That's one time where her big brothers came in handy - they were both stars in the media class as 8th graders, so at Trevor's graduation last year, the media teacher asked Anna if she wanted in and promised her a spot. Sweet!

As for me, I'm a tad tired, but otherwise not too horrible. I crammed in way too much end of summer fun last week (state fair, county fair, circus) and I'm trying to recover from it. I ended up lymphedema'd to a really ugly point, but it went away, thank god, and am generally really tired, achy and painful. Andy gave me cortisone injections in both hips last week, but then I went and walked on 'em, and now the right hip hurts almost as much as it did before the injection. Crap. And, I'm quite prolapsed, which is causing me more than a little problem in the bathroom and driving me insane. Really, if I had the option, I'd go into surgery tomorrow to have everything put back in place, because I'm going bonkers. Really bonkers.

But overall, I'm not going to complain too much. I certainly could, but I'm not going to. We have the daytimes to ourselves again, which means I can take the time I need to rest, dream up some new slow-cooker dinners, work on some small crafty things when my hands allow, and begin my new big hobby - obsessing over what to wear to my 20 year reunion.

That, folks, will keep me busy for a loooooooooong time...