Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weekend Update, Again

Well, my assessment of last week as a particularly crappy one was correct. It was a very crappy week.

As far as I go, things are pretty much fine. I'm battling some major headaches and other fun medical bits and pieces, but there's nothing that really requires posting about. It's the same old-same old, ya know.

I should have blood work results by the time I see Andy next week, so that will tell me how desperately my body might need blood or something.

The main reason for this post is to let all y'll know that posts might be a little sparse for a while. The reasons for that are to be found in the crappiness of last week, and I have things to cope with and go do, but those stories aren't mine to tell, so you'll just have to excuse me for a bit.

Hopefully, when I have some news to share, it'll be news about getting my nasty prolapse fixed. More surgery. Whee.
Well....stay tuned!

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