Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Tuesday

Heidi's wacky calender informs us that it is "Radiant Peace Day." Whatever that means.

I just realized that I actually have a tiny bit of news to report!
We took my beautiful Peadog to the vet yesterday and tormented her with exams and blood draws, but found out that she does NOT have a respiritory infection, which I was afraid of. She actually has allergies, which are easily treated with Benedryl. So now she's just sleepy all the time! Wait - she's a dog - will we actually notice?! ;-) She's also having bloodwork done to find out if there's a problem with her thyroid, but we sure hope there's not.

Otherwise, the big news is that she's fat. Oops. She's gained almost 10 lbs over the past year and now we have to make her lose it all. I haven't got the faintest idea where she got it from, aside from the problems with her shoulder making her less active, but it's got to go. She might feel a whole lot better almost instantly if we get the weight off, so my poor girl is on a diet. I've been informed that she's a senior citizen now and I have to treat her as such, but I'm not pleased about it. She can't possibly be getting old.

As for me, I managed to pop off a crown yesterday, meaning there's an urgent dental appointment in my immediate future. Boooooo hiss!!!

That's about it..........so in my semi-tradition of using absolutely lame things and silliness as filler, I present you with the latest idiotic celebrity baby names - one of my absolute favorite spectator sports. Perhaps you'll be as horrified/entertained as I am.
  • Sparrow James Midnight joins big sister Harlow
  • Ezekiel Czar joins brother(?) Xen
  • Someone had an Ella Betsi, which almost sounds normal, but of course mom & dad had to go for the cutsey spelling.
  • Finally, someone named their daughter in honor of both grandmas, combining Nancy and Leigh to come up with Naleigh.
`Did every celebrity out there forget what elementary school was *like* when they condemned their little one to endless teasing and torture on the playground? The only thing saving these kids is that they probably ALL go to the same schools, so everyone there has an idiotic name. I still feel sorry for them.

I think that's all. I hope everyone out there's having a great Tuesday.

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