Saturday, September 12, 2009


Well, now that I've publically confessed my sins, I've gotta make restitution to my body, don't I?

In absolutely random, disjointed, ADD-ish order...

To start with, I laid in some supplies of decent snacky food to try and replace the red hots and other little sugar bombs. I'm having to remind my taste buds how much they like apples and carrots and bananas. Even though the apple tastes astonishingly bland and needs cheese to taste like anything, it's still a good start. (seriously there is no flavor at ALL. Hmm. I may have to have Conner taste test this to see if it's the apple, or if it's me.)

In other food news, I ate a real meal last night! I'd eaten the cereal for breakfast and some other things, so it really added up to about 3 little meals, which is impressive. Right now, I'm eating the apple and cheddar cheese with an English muffin, and I'm making tacos for dinner, so that should be at least 2 meals today. Yay!

One hope for all of this is that if I get my sleep schedule realigned (see below...), then I'll actually be awake and functional to make dinner for everyone. Tonight is taco night! (thanks Mom...the secret taco formula is still going strong!) Everybody loves taco night, including me, so it's almost a guarantee that I'll eat.

Tomorrow though, I have to make the cheesecake for Anna's birthday celebration on Monday, so all bets are off. It's going to involve dismantling many, many Oreos to make the crust, and the odds of me resisting all the leftover centers...................well, it's not pretty. But I will try to be full when I start to make it! The red hots are are the Golden Oreos and other things, but I am going to be strong. I've been fighting to ignore how crappy the sugar has been making me feel, but it would be much nicer just to be feeling good.

As for the Dr. Pepper, I'm just going to stop cold turkey on Monday and see if I survive. I've planned it so that I'll still have some left, just in case of emergency. Then again, with this weird overcast weather we're having - HOT, but thunderheads everywhere, like we moved to Houston - I might be in the mood for coffee again.

Lloyd and I tried the sleep-switch, with mixed results. Yesterday, instead of waiting until I was bone-, dead-tired in the afternoon, I woke him up at 9 and went back to bed until about noon. Got up, got dressed, and we went and ran errands. In the early evening, I could have easily gone back down for another nap, but I stayed up till the end of Conan again, and even into Jimmy Fallon a little.

I'm figuring out that I have to figure Conan into things...I didn't really think I'd like his version of the Tonight Show, but I actually like him almost as much as Leno, so he's going to have to be part of my routine somewhere. I sometimes find myself giggling do loud I'm afraid I'm going to wake Lloyd up, and anything that makes me laugh that much is a keeper. Record and watch him at 6:30 in the morning? Ooh, I could record and watch him right after my nap, at noon when that icky Rick Sanchez dude comes on CNN.
But I digress!

The only major drawback with the nap and errands we did yesterday is that we were kind of off-kilter with our eating schedules, where he and I really needed food somewhere around 4pm, which isn't compatible with wanting to eat dinner with the kids again at 6. Going to have to figure out how things like errands are going to work, but meanwhile, I'm going to keep with the 9 am naptime and see how it goes.

I think I'm on the right track, don't you?

Now, another player has been introduced to all of this as a possible reason for my lethargy and overall collection of problems - severe anemia. I'm going to have to get my labs done, finish some research and talk with some doctors before I know how much of a factor it is, so I can't elaborate yet. But, stay tuned. If it is a factor in what's going on with me, like what I feel is a pathetically slow recovery, this could be very interesting.

Right now, it's 9:17 and I'm just about dying for sleep, so I'm going to wake up my husband now.
More later....

1 comment:

THE PRINCESS of everything ... said...

HOWDY stranger!
glanced over your blog to "catch up" a teeny bit. SOunds like you are heading into a good phase .... yepper- more difficult but more gooder fer ya (?) And there isssssss caffeine free Dr Pepper if that's any consulation. Good luck!