Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Anna!!!

Oh my. . . my baby girl turns 12 today!!!

As the cliches say, where does the time go?! I'm half shocked every time I look at her and see how tall and gorgeous and grown up she is. And she is - tall, gorgeous, grown up, smart, funny and above all else, confident about all the other things. She stands up straight and smiles and knows she's smart and funny and she's a happy person. It makes me very, very happy. I'm more proud of her than I can express.

Last night, we all went to Chilis for dinner (her choice of birthday meals...go figure.) Tonight, I make her dinner, we do presents, and I made her a cheesecake with chocolate cookie crust and we have strawberry pie filling to go with it. I might not be allllll the way off of sugar today. ;-)

This birthday also marks almost exactly 5 years that I've been part of her life, and we're both pretty proud of that milestone. We'll be having our 6th holiday season as a family; we have traditions for birthdays and holidays that we've built over these years, and it's pretty neat to have those, because it means we've been together as a group long enough to create them.

SO . . .


Dawn said...

Wow it is hard to believe that it was Emily's first birthday when I met Anna for the first time! I hope she has a wonderful day and enjoys her cheesecake!

Jaime said...

Happy Birthday, Anna. :) Your present is coming, but I'm behind as always.

Love you all