Thursday, January 13, 2011

it's new drug time at chemo

I'm sure I have things to say about this.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.4

Here's a lovely photo of me getting the first treatment with my new weekly drug, Topotecan. It's a far better picture of the shawl Lloyd got me for Christmas, which is a beautiful example of a type of special weaving called jamawar, long practiced in India but nearly lost to the years. The Indian government has helped get the craft started again, and these incredible colors and patterns are the result. There's your obscure history lesson for the day.

Its really far more fun to start the blog post from my lovely Android phone, which allows me to sort of post photos (which is a no-no on the idiotPad) and then finish them on the idiotPad.

However, das idiotPad feels a strong need to help tonight, much more than usual and is making me want to extract its spell checker with a dinner fork.

And I am tired and in pain so there will be more tomorrow.

Everyone pray for those Australian flood waters to go down down down down. My thoughts are with you, and with anyone who could suddenly find themselves in the path of a wall of water.

It is scary out there, so please take care of yourself & yours, and then do what you can for others who might need help too. I think that's a good philosophy, no matter where you are.

Be kind to one another.
I hope you are all sleeping warm, tight and loved tonight.


Auntie said...

The shawl is beautiful and I hope you also slept tight, with minimal side effects, and felt all of the the love I sent you.

Jaime said...

Tell Lloyd he has excellent taste. The shawl is just beautiful. :)

Hang in there, sweetpea. We all love you.

Love Mom