Sunday, January 2, 2011


So, I got this incredible book for Christmas - "The Illustrated Cook's Book of Ingredients; 2500 of the world's best with classic recipes," & reading it is almost torture. I want stinky cheese with almonds & apricots now. And fresh mozzarella with heirloom tomatoes. And fresh coconut. And snow crab. And Chinese food. And! And!

I'm sure you get the point.
So anyway - Happy New Year! One of my myriad resolutions is to become a far better (aka more prolific) blogger.

Given that the month of January alone will bring 3 chemo sessions, an endoscopy, a colonoscopy, several visits to the lab and probably at least 1 root canal, I'll either have tons to write about or no energy to write it. We shall see.

Despite the rough start, I'm convinced 2011 is going to be an improvement over the past year. If nothing else, I'm going to live past my January 26 "expiration date," and that's no small thing, right?

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Cindi Amador said...

OMG, OMG, OMG! I NEED that book. The cook in me is dying to own that book. Thanks for sharing! Just wanted to say Happy New Year...I loved the Christmas card with the dogs on it, classic! I KNOW this is going to be YOUR year. For sure. Screw expiration dates, you are the QUEEN and you will go on forever. Love ya!

Stephanie said...

Cindi - Amazon dot com! Many authors, but it's from DK Publishing. That's where my darling husband found it, at a better price than in the catalog where we first saw the book. (no, don't ask me what catalog I saw a book in, because I don't remember and can't actually think of what catalog might have a cookbook in it...anyway...)

Anyone who loves food and cooking should have this book, and I've seen the photos of your cakes... You are one hell of a pastry chef, woman!! I've read almost the entire book now, and it is fantastic. I will definitely use it as a reference for just about everything. I love learning about food and cooking, and I've learned a lot from this one. (my other absolute number-one referral for people as weird as I am? "The Food Lover's Companion," & it's follow-up, "The Food Lover's Tiptionary," by Sharon Tyler Herbst)

Thank you for all of the kind words and encouragement. I can never have too many of those. I hope the new year brings you all the health and happiness you can wish for too - All of you out there!! You guys really keep me going.

Like the little purple guy once said, forever is a mighty long time, but I think we're all pretty grateful for each year...month...week...*day* at this point.

Here's to the new year - and all of us.

Stephanie said...

*its* follow-up, not IT'S!! Unforgivable grammar error! Ack!

Pabs said...

Dude, you don't really want Chinese food, do you?! ;-)