Monday, January 3, 2011

The Princess Pea & the Pee

This is the face of a (spoiled) old girl with a bladder infection. My poor love! Luckily she's been on antibiotics for a few days and she's getting better.

Today is the REAL first day of the new year - the first day of SCHOOL! Muhahahahaha!!!! And, I have the entire week free of appointments, so I have lots or time to start taking down the Christmas decorations. This year, they're coming down if it kills me!

I love having the week to clean, get things in order, and feel like I'm starting the new year fresh.

I also love the BloggerDroid app making it possible to shoot a photo on the phone & blog it instantly! The idiotPad doesn't have a camera, and of course, doesn't allow me to use Blogger properly, much less put up photos. Yay for 'droid technology!

Android 2, crApple 0
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.4

1 comment:

Pabs said...

Wow, the crApple folks forgot to put a camera on the thing? Some program manager should really lose their job over that one - like the person who turned down M&Ms being in the movie E.T.! I'm glad you have a week with no one poking and or prodding at you like you are a lab animal, I'm beginning to take vitamins, we'll see if they do anything to move the needle. I hope you have a week full of stuff you want to do :-) ~P