Monday, April 18, 2011

Hippity Hop!

Hello, Spring? Is that you I saw peeking out from between the rainclouds? Maybe?

Oh, I sure as hell hope so. My little bunny rabbit isn't the only one who's getting cabin fever and itchy paws, pining for sunshine, warm grass, and hours reading in the patio swing. We've had some tiny pockets of nice weather here and there, and it really does bring on the Spring fever!

The doggies have enjoyed the few times I've been able to turn them out in the yard to run in circles or race full-tilt from one end of the lawn to the other and back (Stella), stretch out on the warm concrete and roll in the warm grass (Pea) and eat the warm grass (Sparky). Sparky is a little confused sometimes.

With Easter literally just around the corner now, I can only hope the weather decides to get on board for us. Easter week is extra-super-duper special now, and I want nice weather!!

See, Lloyd is taking the boys on a guy road trip down to see Pop, Kenny and DeDe in Shell Beach, leaving me and Anna to man the fort. They want to have good weather for some hiking/walking around the lighthouse where Ken is a volunteer, kayaking, stuff lke that. They've got all kinds of neat stuff to go do down there, and I was actually getting jealous.

{Stop! Wait! Insert great auto-correct here: It's not as if ima crisply capable}

What I was trying to say was that it's not as if I'm actually capable, not crisply, actually capable of doing things like kayaking and climbing lighthouses, but still - road trip, OCEAN, you know.

And then, the cavalry came riding to the rescue. Er, well, the cavalry *told* me they'd be riding to the rescue. Same thing.
SO, while the boys head south to go play, Auntie and Josh and Daddy are heading north to come play with me and Anna! I absolutely could not be happier!! Instead of us rattling around here on our own, now it's a party! Now I need some nice weather up here too, since Josh has only been up once, in the dead of ugly, ugly winter, and I'd love to show him how pretty it really is up here when you can go outdoors and play.

AND, yes, everyone involved feels better now that there will be qualified adults babysitting ME while Lloyd is gone. I couldn't ask for a better helper than Anna, ever, but it is still a relief that we don't have to handle every last single thing on our own, and these are the three most qualified adult babysitters possible. I can go take a long nap knowing that she's not alone - that takes the world off my chest!

Well, I simply have the best cavalry in the cavalry business.

Chemo today, sigh, but a short one. How short, I couldn't tell you. This is still my first cycle with these new drugs. There's one long day and one short, but I'm not certain on the timing for either. Today is a busy day - before chemo, I get my teeth installed!!! Isn't that exciting?!! I never in my life dreamed I'd be so thrilled about dentures at 40, but considering the very painful alternatives I've been living with since the chemo started leaching my calcium and eating my enamel.....well, it's been a hard road of soft food. We all want to go over to the Sierra Nevada Brewery for a lunch or dinner while everyone's here, so I'm hoping that my very tender and sore mouth and gums have healed and adapted to their new appliances in time that I can order something maye a little more interesting than most of my recent choices. We shall see.

Off to get ready, and to count the days till the party starts!!

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