Friday, April 8, 2011

The morning bedscape...

It's kinds hard to see, but, clockwise from the top left/middle, we have a 65# Stella puppy wrapped in her blankie, because she was cold; a sweet spotty Sparky; the ears of a Pooter-fuzzle; me under Pooter; the Peadog; and an implication of a husband, under the blankets.

And people wonder why we think "king" is far too small a size for a bed! It's...cozy...

Well, day 2 post-transfusion and you know what Cin? You're right... I think I kinda feel better! I had a hellacious bug beforehand, along with the usual chemo, cancer & fibro aches, and the truth is, while I'm not dancing, I feel somewhat decent. That's a big deal for me! I'd ask Dr. Mazj to set me up with one of these more often, buy I suspect they are not cheap, and I suspect Medi-Cal would not like that much.

Speaking of my fantastic doctor, I was really kind of shocked last week to find out it was his birthday...his 40th birthday!!!!!!!

He's the same age as me! That just feels so weird. I hope he made very good use of all that time *I* spent in nightclubs, concerts and following bands around, because I sure didnt! If that makes sense.

Anyway, new blood, even that small amount of it, seems to have done me some good.

Now, if only something could do some of those fucked-up, idiotic, dimwitted, moronic, self-absorbed, pompous, clueless, asswipes in all three or four or twelve parties in Washington HALF as much good, so they would quit using the very real lives of the people who elected them as bargaining chips in some sort of ideological/idiotic war and get off their fat, over-paid asses and do the jobs they were hired to do - BY WORKING TOGETHER.

Some of us live on Social Security, assholes.

Sorry. It needed to be said.
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