Monday, April 18, 2011

Stupid shitty crappy defective blood

Sooooooooooooo, we did NOT have chemo today.

After all of the running about all morning, leading us up the mountain bit by bit, once we finally get there, I failed my damned blood test. Blood tests are usually easy. I've never failed one before, and certainly not so spectacularly.

Those nice little baby white blood cells that your bone marrow makes, which I guess are the really important ones — the normal sample range was between 1.5 and 6.5 (don't ask me 6.5 what, I have no idea) and MINE were 0.8 Oops. There was another count almost as low.

I've been sentenced to two weeks off chemo, a series of three shots of something, and we'll see what else when Dr. Mazj gets ahold of me.

I need a nap now.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Well it's not like you did it on purpose and it's not like you could have done anything to change it either. Given how long you've been at this I'm amazed this is only the first time.

This is a minor set back in the grand scheme of things. Getting some kind of major infection that you couldn't fight off? That would be a fucking big deal. A huge fucking deal.

So you rest for two weeks, let your body's defenses build up again, and let them start filling you full of poison again. Easy peasy.

Hug your aunt and Josh for me.

Love you