Sunday, March 1, 2009

Icky-sicky, bitch & moan

Ok, this is hard to read on here, but try, it's worth it! Thanks to Clint for the illness-related humor. It's oh-so-fitting!

Yup, I still feel like crap, so I'm going to bitch about it. Well, at least a little. After a little time spinning some of the yummy-soft camel fiber I got for Christmas, I finally gave up and became horizontal and stayed that way.
Unfortuately, this meant lots of sleeping, a fair bit of barfing, intestinal gymnastics, and the definite onset of something respiritory. That last bit hasn't developed itself fully yet, but it's coming....I can tell with every breath.
And my mouth hurts. Like, my stomach insists I eat only dry cereal and bread-y things like toast, but eating things like that is excruciating because they have sharp-ish edges. My chemo-related mouth sores and soreness seem to be kicking in, finally. I guess it's going to be time to see a dentist about that fun and games, 'cause I have enough trouble with eating as it IS.
So, thanks to all of my ickiness, I missed the big boy's big birthday dinner at Buca di Beppo last night with his Grandma. I was more than a little bummed about that.... but I was so zonked, I don't even remember them leaving, woke up around 7 to feed some hyper dogs, and was in and out of consciousness until everyone got home around 10.
What worries me is all the sleeping. All I want to do is sleep, and I'm starting to have mouth problems. My history tells me that this is a really bad combination! Every time I've ended up wtih a really bad tooth abscess, it's been preceeded by some number of days worth of unexplained exhaustion. So, I guess we'll see.
In other news...there isn't much news. I finally have a valance over in the dining room window, which makes me happy. I've found that the rocking chair-glider thing that I have never been fond of --looks-wise, not comfort-wise, it's very comfortable-- is very nice for spinning. If I put a pillow behind my back, it puts me in just the right position to work the wheel without stressing out my back and neck muscles. Right on.
So, now that we're able to use half of the dining room as a family room, and I've grown fond of spinning in the rocker in front of the fire, my DH let me go ahead and order replacement cushions for it. When those come, I will LOVE the rocking chair. Right now, the cushions are this horrid pink and purple floral with green, which doesn't make a lot of sense....I mean, these are the glider chairs that are issued to every pregnant woman in America, by federal law (you know it's true!) but pink and purple flowers would not have been MY first choice when having a baby boy. Maybe I'm just weird that way...
But pink and purple flowers do not excite me, nor to they look real good in my pumpkin colored dining room. Sadly, the replacement cushions are going to take eight weeks to arrive. Eight freakin' weeks!!! We chose a slightly offbeat, but hopefully gorgeous fabric in golds and creams, with rather subtle honeybees flying around in the swirls. I know, sounds weird, but it looks neat. Again, these chairs are made for nurseries, not family rooms, so we had to work with what was available. I also found a slipcover for a pillow that has stripes of both the scarlet of the valance and the gold from the chair-cushions-to-be. It all works. In eight weeks or so, I'll take pictures of my finally-complete dining/family room.
I guess that's about it... I'm going to spend the rest of today much like yesterday, laying around and feeling cancerous and sick from head to toe. My poor darling husband has to go out in this rain and drive all the way out to Citrus Heights (Sacramento-ish) to pick up the big boy from his overnight visit with Grandma. That's a good 4 hours out of the small chunk! I don't envy him having to be out on the road, but at least this storm is just a nice, steady rain. No raging wind gusts or anything violent, just rain. Rain is good. We need lots and lots more, so bring it on!
I'm going to go attempt to knit, nurse my headache and attempt to not cough. If I don't cough, I can't get a respiritory infection, right? It's denial at its finest.....

1 comment:

Jaime said...

The comic becomes easy to read if you click on it. That enlarges it--at least in firefox--and makes it super easy to see.

And do your overprotective, fretting mother a favor. Call the appropriate doctor in the morning and get antibiotics for the upper respiratory thing before it becomes pneumonia? Please?

Try diluting peroxide in water and using a weak solution to rinse your mouth too. That and salt water should help until you can make it to a dentist or the doctor.

Love you