Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Let the goofing off continue!

Yup, I'm still here. Still alive, and still goofing off. I'm still fighting major aches and pains and medical issues, but otherwise just doing a lot of goofing off and watching recorded tv with my darling husband.

Yesterday, we actually left the house (since it was only 103, instead of 109) and went to the movies. YAY for Harry Potter!! I was exceptionally upset by one deviation from the book, but otherwise, it was a good, fun movie. After five previous movies, my expectations are kind of set for how much they'll manage to work in from the book and how much important stuff will have to be left out, so I was in the right place. Very dark and scary though. Even Lloyd literally jumped out of his seat once! I wouldn't take little kids to see it, but that's just me.

Today is a resting day, since I have doctor's appointments both tomorrow and the next day. Yes, even a simple trip to the movies takes it out of me so severely that I need a resting day.

Tomorrow is Andy for my normal monthly check in and prescription writing; Thursday is the pulmonologist & a chest xray. After that, I should have some juicy medical gossip to tell, like whether or not I have to have a bronchoscopy (I have GOT to look that up...) to sample whatever these things in my lungs are.

And, I do have to talk to my assorted doctors, because I'm really starting to feel like the amount of pain I'm having, and the kind and the location of pain, is more than and/or different from what I should be having this far out from surgery, chemo, etc. I'm really uncomfortable! So, we'll see...

That's about it....so I'll leave you with an interesting view on medical treatment. Um, yeah.....interesting.....courtesy of my favorite newspaper column.


Here is my suggestion for medical treatment for people who don't have insurance. I'm 80 years old, and most people didn't have insurance when we were raising our children. We went to the county clinic and count hospital as stated, so we need to go back to those arrangements. It was good enough for us. I might add, there is an ethnic group that is putting kids out one after another. I live in one of those apartments. They have a couple of older kids. They came to this country with and then they are having more little ones. That I don't have an answer for. So who's paying for them?

July 21, 2009

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