Sunday, July 19, 2009

No news is good news, right?

Well, basically, yeah. We've been doing a whole lotta nothing, since I've been borderline sick (flu-y) on top of my lymphedema CRAP and random cancer-related side effects that alternately hurt like hell and piss me off and also because it's been hotter than hell - literally!!

106 degrees is not weather in which to do anything except stay in the air conditioned house and absolutely revel in the fact that you have air conditioning. Those of you who don't are certainly invited to come visit and revel with us. We have lots of empty beds to offer up right now.

So, since I have nothing to report, I'm going to start something I've thought about doing for a while now. Let me explain...

We live in a small town, in an area with lots of small towns, where our largest city is Chico, a burg of less than 90,000 people (if the internet is to be believed). We've got a good sized CSU (California State University) and I don't know if population figures include the student body or not.

So, anyway, small towns, small town newspapers...
One of my favorite features of our local paper, the Chico Enterprise-Record, is their call-in op-ed feature "Tell It To The E-R." This is apparently a voicemail box, set up to record anonymous comments from readers, which are then printed verbatim in the paper.

The key word in there folks was "verbatim."

When I've got nothing else to write, I'm going to treat you all to some of the um, wisdom, shared by my fellow NorthState residents. Since it's the first time, I'll put up a few. Enjoy...

"Correction for misquote
I called in the other day and left a message and it was misquoted. It was regarding medical marijuana. The active ingredient in marijuana that kills cancer is THC -- that's Tom, Harry, Charlie. Not PAC. Anyway people, Google search that. Even your reporters, Google search that -- and you'd see the benefits." July 15, 2009
(DAMN, if I'd known pot killed cancer, I'd have spent an awful lot of time stoned over the last year!)

"Comcast should be cheaper
Why after first eliminating Hallmark and now channel 17 [local PBS station] has Comcast not lowered the monthly charge?" July 15, 2009

"We have laws for right and wrong
That did it, I'm ready to stab freedom of speech right in the back. Not like the righeous Obama leftists, however. I want to describe 'race' as a competition as in sports or politics, to win. Otherwise, race, racism and racists shall be, from here on out banned, eliminated and never used again.
The rules for this started 2,000 years ago or so and still exist today. It's called 'right' or 'wrong.' Otherwise, you promote and proliferate the words and the actions felt the least in separation.
Laws already exist for right and wrong.
Thank you. Enjoy the weather here this is great. Take care." July 18, 2009

Ahhhhhh..........I love my small-town world. :-)

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