Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Happy Doggie & A Tired and Ooky Me

Well, the most important news there is is that my girl is feeling better.

The meds that the vet gave us seem to be doing the job, and she's been holding down water and bland foods for over 48 hours now. I feel terrible that she's starving to death, getting just tiny bits of canned-bland or boiled chicken & rice, but she's so happy when she gets anything that I guess its ok. We were able to up the amount a little and mix in a little kibble for her dinner last night too. I think just eating dinner at the same time as the other dogs made her feel better, even if I was still hand-feeding her. I've been doing that since the beginning - feeding her off a fork or spoon so she wasn't able to wolf down the whole meal in 3 quick gulps.

That really is the only news there is. I'm not feeling terribly well myself right now, so I don't really feel like being a terribly witty blogger right now. I still want to find my index cards with all of my witty blogger notes on them, so I will probably be obsessive and look for them again.

Most of those entries are going to require lots of typing and photos, so I'll have to migrate down to the laptop anyway. I just don't know what the helll crApple's problem is with letting me upload photos anywhere, but it's really pissing me off!!!

Anyway, I don't have any idea why I feel so crappy this weekend, but I suspect that tha smart thing to do would be to take it easy, rest, SLEEEEP, and consume lots of liquids. And so I shall.
More later!

1 comment:

Pabs said...

Glad to hear Stella is better on meds (aren't we all?) and yes, after all your kid/CrApple/doggie drama, I think you need to sleep...which sounds like a good idea for me too, but I think I have to go grocery shopping. ANYway, I hope you are feeling better after a long deep slumber :-)