Saturday, September 4, 2010

Weekend forecast: very bloggy ahead

Well gang, I have been seriously remiss in keeping up this blog lately. And by lately, I mean over the last, oh, what - year? Um, yeah, that's about it. And that's going to change.

I am hereby committing to becoming a regular blogger again. I kind of liked it when I was keeping up with this every day and getting your feedback. Since I'm back in chemo, starting the "pretty much for the rest of my shortish life" phase of the chemo experience, it seems like a logical time to get back to it.

The only problem with my newfound urge to blog constantly is that I'm constantly not here lately. The chemo experience itself is a 3-day program - Dr. visit & labs; chemo; Neulasta shot & hydration. I'll also be trying to get a bunch of dental work done, I have my gastric tests next week, etc. You know what I mean.

Point is, I'm not near my laptop very often, and its pretty impossible to drag it with me places, because, at nearly 5lbs, it is way, way, way too heavy for me. How sad is that?! When I bought it, I was thrilled at how light it was compared to my past laptops. Now, I'm such a weakling that 5# is very painful to hold after a few minutes.

Thus, I'm considering investing in a netbook, or even an iPad. Then I can take it to chemo, everywhere, and be mobile. At this point, I have a zillion questions running through my head as I try to figure out which option is best for me.

I was able to see an iPad in person on my vacation thanks to Darcy, so I've started my quest by asking her some of my zillion questions. I'd love to hear what
you guys have to say too.

Here is the big big question:
My biggest hesitation, after the fact that it's made by Apple: Can you REALLY actually *type* on the fucker?!! It would defeat the entire purpose if I had to get the keyboard.

I want one of these devices because I want to be able to blog anywhere, without having to do it on my phone. Blogging is thing one, period. But, ditto email - the phone is just damned small. If I could take the laptop everywhere, I would be SO caught up on my email, blog, life... It's too big and too heavy for me anymore. The places I frequent all have wifi, like the chemo center. The real keyboard makes the netbook come out ahead. The size and weight wins for the iPad. There are a dozen pros and cons on each side, to the point where it's damn near even.
Needless to say, this is NOT a small investment for someone who lives on a fixed income and has bad teeth, but my idea is to convert my entire online world to the small device - you know, blog, facebook, twitter, email.

That means taking the laptop off the internet entirely, cleaning the hell out of it and making it "sterile" for safe documents, photos, etc, with much less chance of a kaboom. Hopefully that would make good sense in the long run, as carrying around the smaller, lighter device would be much better for me physically, and hopefully sterilizing the laptop, with its heftier computing power for photoshopping and pagemaker-ing, would make it last longer.
I'm also looking at a dedicated photo scanner for the laptop, so I can work on the 8 or 9 boxes of prints and albums Dad has deposited, so I want to get it cleaned up, and good. There is a lot of family history at stake.

So anyway, that's what's been going on today: contemplating my computing future while trying to ignore lots of side effects. Sadly, they will get worse tomorrow, and then, Monday, I get to prep for my enema on Tuesday. I am not having near as much fun as this little guy over there----->
I have this very bad habit of writing blog entries and then forgetting to post them. Oops. I'll be working on Sunday's entry soon, but I thought I'd post Saturday's column first.


Jaime said...

I can't afford one, but my friends who have them swear by their netbooks. They slip them into a purse and take them everywhere. They have both Dell and Sony netbooks and love them equally.

And I may be a little biased, but after wasting tax refund money four years ago on an iPod that was broken straight out of the box and that Apple wouldn't fix or take back, I'd never give Apple another dime of my money, ever. That's on top of hating their user interface.

Anyway, I'll be thrilled if you can blog and keep up with email easier.

Love you

THE PRINCESS of everything ... said...

my sister (who could afford whatever she wants most of the time) swears by her notebook. She is off to Europe this week for a scrapbook/photog adventure with some masters of the trade and bought it a couple of months ago to make traveling "lighter". She is very pleased with her decision (and she is pretty much a techy-type person) GOOD LUCK in your search- sounds like a mission :o)

Pabs said...

I think you should write to the Amazon/Kindle folks and see why it is that their little creation can't bridge this gap? Why should you have to purchase yet ANOTHER device? I'm thinking maybe its the next gen, heck they already came out with a new one after the one I bought in May...and your chemo lab had WiFi? I'm thinking mine did too, it just didn't occur to me at the time, but for some reason I find that impressive. It's now cold in LA, 68 as a high today, so you visited at the perfect time, next visit, the LA zoo? ;-)