Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I found my notecards!!

Now how exciting is that? Now I can regale you will all the exciting minutiae I've got jotted down on them, but not today.

Today, Daddy is coming up to babysit me while Lloyd's gone on a motorcycle ride that might turn into an overnighter. That's ok, because WE are going to dinner and a Dave Alvin show at the Sierra Nevada Brewery tonight. I scan the email list I get of upcoming acts hoping Dave will come back, and I got lucky- he's here, and Dad is able to come up and go to the show with me.

So, since Dad will be here about the time the kids get home from school, and I have a couple hours free till then, I am laying down and closing my eyes like that little guy over there----->

The next few days will be pretty busy with doctors and labs and chemo and having Dad to talk to, so I don't figure I'll get in another entry till after I come out of the chemo fog. Monday I go see Andy, and Tuesday I go see Dr. Davis for my six month Pap test... Yeahhhh....I'm going to be tired.

So, that's where I'll be. Have fun till I get back.


Auntie said...

I wanna go to the brewery, I wanna go to the brewery! Waah! Steph, I owe you so many calls and text and whatevers I promise to be in touch soon. As you know I've been in a fog of my own... Hey world, it was 113 at my house yesterday, sunny Calif. is too sunny! Who hates hot halloweens?

Pabs said...

Is this Dave with the Guilty Men? Guilty Women? Just Dave? A Blasters Dave? ;-) Hope you have a fun time at the show!~P