Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Summer Vacation, Part 1: Thank Yous & Credits

Since I am so far behind in my postings, I figure I might as well start with the important thing - thanking all the people who made my first trip "home" in way too many years such a fantastic time.

First, of course, to Auntie Cheryl & Auntie Kathleen for starting the whole thing. The trip might have started out to be all about Anna, but it turns out that I was pretty glad her daddy wouldn't let her fly alone, because I had the time of my life! Being able to hand her off to you guys, where I knew she was having a blast & in the best hands in the world, gave me time with my friends that was the biggest gift I could ever, ever have. You guys really are incredible, and everything you did with and for Anna was a priceless gift that neither she or I will soon forget. It was really neat for me to give her not just cool new experiences, but also a peek into my childhood, in the same places I went at almost exactly the same age.

Mel, that goes for you too! Did you love having a mini-me shadow for a week? Anna worships you even more than she let's on. The time she got to spend with you was probably the high point of the entire trip for her. Now I just have to figure out when I'm flying you up here, because **I** didn't get nearly long enough with you at all. There are conversations to have and knitting to do!

Next, I want to thank everyone who came out for the BBQ that my wonderful Auntie threw for me. I had ALL my Aunties there!!!! And both my favorite uncles, my sweet cousins, and my very best friends. That was absolutely friggin' cool!! You all went to so much trouble, driving so far, cooking and baking for me, baking cherry pie for me...drool! In a lot of ways it was like a very happy flashback to all the great family gatherings when I was a kid.

A then POOF!! It was over way too fast! I didn't get enough time to sit and talk with each of you, which I really wanted to. I was really sad when everyone had to leave to make the too-long trek home.

I definitely miss you all at other times, but I don't think I have ever missed you as much as when that party ended. I need another two weeks down there by myself, just seeing family & friends. I might have to find a way to swing that somehow...
But all of you that made so so SO much effort for me - Thank You!. Those words seem pitifully inadequate. Very pitifully.

The other priceless gift I got on this trip was time with two of my oldest, bestest friends in the world. No matter what we did, just sitting with you and talking over dinner is something I haven't been able to do in years. It always still kind of surprises me how easy it is to just pick up right where we left off as if no time at all, no years and years, had passed in the interim. Sometimes, being isolated up here in the boonies so far from you guys is a lot harder than I let on. "Friend time," sans husband or kids is very seriously good for my mental state! No matter how dearly I love my husband and kids, friend time is just a whole 'nother animal; especially with the people I've very literally grown up with.

And speaking of animals.......!! I spent three days at the beach watching buses come and go, almost all with the giant San Diego Zoo "Elephant Odyssey" ads on them, thinking what a bummer it was that there was no way I'd make it down there this trip. I was exhausted from all the driving I'd done already! So a huge thank you not Darcy for being fearlessly spontaneous and hauling us down there for a most of a day. I can't believe I did that whole trip on foot. I sure as hell paid for it after, but it was worth every Advil. I think the munchkin was pretty damned impressed too, despite the carefully postured teenage indifference at times. The huge genuine smiles and giggles broke through often enough for me to know the truth! Me, I felt like I was about 5, seeing animals I'd never ever seen in real life. I think I had more fun than the five-year-olds there. Next time, gotta remember to hit the children's zoo though - you get to touch things in there! ;->

So, as I sign off and go get ready to head up the mountain with Daddy for my pre-chemo checkup and labs, the point is this:
To each and every one of you, a huge, heartfelt thank you for every minute of that trip. I'd list you all individually, but I ran outta time! ;-p

I love you all, very, very much!!!!!!


Jaime said...

Sounds like the best summer vacation ever. I'm so, so glad you and Anna got to spend time with everyone.

And no matter how cool and casual she acted, Anna will remember this forever. What kid doesn't remember the San Diego Zoo? *g*

Love you

Auntie said...

Wow, you are soo welcome! It was a lot of fun but yes, it was too short. Even a couple more days to just hang and talk would have been great. For me and my family, it was also great to see your dads side of the family after so many years. They were so sweet,kind,excited and grateful for the chance to see you! And let me say a word about your friends. I have always liked them and thought they were so funny and cute (Pauline may be one of the funniest women on the planet, I love her take on things). It was nice to see how they have grown into their busy lives and manage the good and bad so gracefully. It was nicer to see how they really showed up for their friend Stephanie and spent so much time with you. Mark was great and Darcy's daughter is adorable!It was great to see you connect with Mel, she misses you.This comment is too long so lets just say that we need to do it again next year!
Love you Steph