Monday, April 20, 2009


Oh, there are so many enemies to vanquish in the dining room...The empty food bin...the puppy on the other side of the fireplace glass...the shredder...Pea...and especially that archenemy, the boinging doorstop.  

Now THAT thing must be stopped at all costs.  Mommy took away the plastic cap, but it's still evil and must be made to boing, and then barked at for a very, very long time.

Oh no!  The empty food bin just tried to steal a toy!  It had to be retrieved with great care, many test lunges/jumps back, and finally, one great leap to seize the toy and run like hell.

Yes folks, welcome to the spastic portion of our day.  In the morning, when Stella wakes up with the sun, Mommy brings her downstairs and plops her in her playpen and makes her breakfast.  Stella eats her breakfast while the coffee brews, and then Mommy drinks her coffee while Stella has a little post-meal nap in her pen.  When the coffee's done, that means it's time for the post-breakfast potty, and then!  

Then it's the best part of the day!  The gates go up, the toys come out, and it's berserk time!  This part of the day involves attacking many toys, getting stuck underneath the kitchen table trying to get to the toy that rolled on the other side, and most importantly, galloping laps around the table and the island in the kitchen with occasional stops to bark at the doorstop or something.
Welcome to my world!

But, at least that's a good part of my world.  Lymphedema and neuropathy and brittle bones and sick cats are the bad parts of my world.

I am very worried that this stupid old cat isn't going to bounce back from his self-inflicted idiocy, so we're seeing the vet today.
I kicked a magazine holder-cube-thing, accidentally, of course, and I think I slightly broke something in my toe.
My lymphedema has decided to flare again, rather badly, especially in the pubic and genital areas.  I am amazed at how much lymphedema can hurt, even after it's gone!  It hurts like all hell when it's flaring...lordy...and then after the swelling goes down, the places where it was are really tender, like if you cross your legs, the top of your shin hurts like hell.
Then you add in the neuropathy, which is causing me major pain and problems, especially in my right hand, and you have a complete list of things to make my life frustrating.  I want to knit, and I have shawls to make (!!) and my damned hand keeps going numb and painful.  It's pissing me off!!!

Ok, there's my venting for the day.  My hand is driving me crazy, but my puppy is sitting on the floor chewing a toy being blissfuly C A L M, so I really shouldn't bitch about anything.  If she follows her normal pattern, she'll zonk out for a nap soon.  I had planned on joining her on the cushion on the floor (which she seems to like) but now that I have a vet appointment for Oz, I'm afraid I'd oversleep!  

That's about all from this part of the world.  Stay tuned for an Oz update after he sees the doctor.


Anonymous said...

Sorry,sorry,sorry about all of the pain!!! I wish you one freakin pain free day.
You have me and Reyna waaay too hooked on the pond you know.Problem is she needs to watch it during the hours she is in school to see much. She tends to get overly excited when a large African bug buzzes by.
Auntie loves you

Auntie said...


I have had a couple of crawling babies who were also completely fascinated by the boinging doorstop! Stella really is your baby. Up at dawn and boinging the doorstop. On to the toddler stage.


Anonymous said...

you are braver than I am. there is no way I would get a puppy right now, my 6 year old is enough right know along with our old lady (dog) Xena, she is about 12 years and her hips are starting to bother her. I pray that your pain will ease and you will be able to manage.
Love you