Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Oh!  There are many wonderful birthdays to mention...


And a belated Hippo Birdie to my wonderful Auntie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For being rather belated and behind on just about everything right this minute, you both deserve a full, complete, illustrati-a-palooza on my blog.  Yes, it's the highest honor I have the power to bestow.

I love you both very, very much!!!

And while we're mentioning them, happy yesterday birthday to Mike,happy day-before-yesterday birthday to Misty, and happy posthumous birthdays and love to Grandma Jackson and Grandpa Moyer.


And about that earlier post?  He didn't get mad, freak out, or have a fit at me.  There is domestic bliss in the Irwin household today after all.

And a small puppy with farts that smell worse than the stench from the animal rendering plant just up Highway 99 from here, grandly featured on one of my favorite TV shows, the ever-tasteful "Dirty Jobs."  Much worse.  And she's sound asleep, so I'm not sure she'd go potty even if I took her outside.  I think she has to wake up first and realize that she has to go.  

Oh!  She woke up!  Oh.  Nope, false alarm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Steph for the happy birthday and I also sent happy thoughts up to grandma in heaven!We used to have too many birthdays in April and now we don't have enough.Love you too!
