Saturday, April 4, 2009

GOOD dental news!!

Things on the dental front improved yesterday!

I went in for my day-after-extraction check up, and by that time, everyone in the office knew what was going down with the stupid MediCal funding and what they could and could not do for the patients.

So, after making sure that I was fine- sore, but fine- Heidi the Wonderful took me to the front desk, sat down with the receptionist/front office person at the computer, and had her find me 9 appointments before the cut off dates.

I will be seeing a LOT of Dr. Ahn and Heidi during the last weeks of May and the first week of June. I will not be getting any of the appliances I need, the crowns, bridges, castles, moats, whatever the hell, but I WILL be getting just about every single thing I need done to make my mouth HEALTHY. Lots of extracting, building up, fillings and other things I didn't even understand as Heidi was telling the front office person how to enter the appointments in the computer. All I know is she says we're going to be able to get everything important. And, if there's something we can't get to, I now have a list of other dentists who take MediCal, who might be able to get me in for a little bit more before the deadline.

As I said in an email yesterday, I am so grateful and happy I could just cry. I can't believe I might be able to eat like a normal person and not have mouth pain and infections all the time. At some point, we are undoubtedly going to have to get the crowns and all that, but at least we'll have gotten the medical side of it all fixed.

As I sit here right this minute, I can't even imagine NOT having dental pain, because my jaw still aches so much from the massive excavation exercise on Thursday. Monday, I go back to get the root tips of the other tooth taken out, and supposedly have my sutures removed, but I think part of that may be unnecessary...I just pulled a suture off my tongue... It fell out all on its own, so what can I do? I guess it was ready to go.

Dental good news is good news indeed. Thrilling!

In other (good?) news, we have made the major decision that it is time to add to our family. Yup, we need a baby......the four footed, clumsy, adorable puppy kind of baby. We want to get one while Pea is still young enough to LIKE puppies as much as she does, and mother it like she's done with puppies we've babysat. We don't want to wait until she's older and doesn't want one around anymore, AND we positively have to do it in the spring. I will never get a puppy in the fall or winter again--3 am potty runs in the pouring rain and mud all over the house, NUH UH. Spring it is. If we find the right puppy this spring, wonderful, if not, we have to wait until next year.

We are going to go look at our first candidate this evening. She's a Border Collie/Lab mix. Mom's the Border, Dad is the purebred Lab from next door. We've also agreed we will only get a female dog. Females are a bit better with kids and other animals and have less aggressive tendencies......hopefully..... We'll see. We all know how I am around brain melts. PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, I swear, I will be an adult, and we will not bring home the first dog we see unless she's the right dog. I'm going to do all the puppy temperment tests from the "Puppies for Dummies" book and everything. Last time, I picked my puppy because he was the one who crawled into my arms and wrapped his front paws around my arm and stared up at me adoringly. Look how THAT turned out... So this time, I will do puppy tests, dorky as it will look.

It's a very big undertaking. I need to sit the kids down and make sure they understand just what kind of an undertaking we're talking about. Right now, we have the perfect dogs, and we're all spoiled rotten. I'm nervous as hell about bringing in a baby, with all it entails. I'm not sure I'm 100% ready, but I'm not sure I ever will be. At least it will give me something to do every day, right?!

I will never be bored again.................................


auntie annie said...

Hey Steph, just a comment on the border collie lab x puppies. I have border collies, 2 in fact, and 5 acres for them to run on, which is the very most important thing about border collies. They are the most intelligent breed and one of the most active, as well as the cutest boggers you will ever see. But they need room, lots of room as they are the most active dogs. If you just have a normal yard they require hours of walking ! A lab is a very active working dog also, so a mix will be loaded with energy. These breeds need jobs that tap into that energy. You will have a very unhappy dog if it can't get the exercise and play it requires. They need other dogs who have their energy level to play with them.....a layed back dog will be run ragged with this breed in your house. My 2 play and run, and chase cars, and play and run, all day long. This is not a dog for in the house to lay around on a doggie bed all day. They have to work all day or that pent up energy will cause ya some trouble. So if you have not already fallen in love with one , be cautious about getting that kind of dog. I don't recommend them for normal households unless the owner likes to get out and run, plus they are so smart they will out think you at times. Google any breeds you get serious about before you take it home, not fun for you and not fair to the dog if you are not able to meet it's needs. I speak from years of experience ! Mixed breed shelter dogs are my first pick. Adopting a shelter dog is a good thing all the way around and shelters are over- filled right now and could use people adopting from them. Good luck with the hunt and have fun....I love puppies more than anything !!! Love ya, auntie Annie

The CIO said...

OMG a PUPPY?! I guess this is far from a 'Madison II' episode so I wish you luck in the vetting process, do we have any girl names lined up?