Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Almost awake...


(Now why in hell don't they have BIGGER fonts, and more of them on here? Geez.)

And now, a word from our sponsor: True, real best friends are the ones who go through hell, and more, with you, and are still there when you come out on the other side. I am lucky enough to have a few of those. If you are too, take a minute and be really grateful, because the times come when something really horrible happens to you (like, oh, getting cancer, just to use one example) and those friends are there. Y'all know who you are, and I have learned couldn't live without you.

Now back to our regularly scheduled blogging...
[when we left here last night, I had nodded off over and onto the laptop, so I called it quits]
At least y'all can't say I don't know when to quit. Sorta.

Up to get ready for the doctor's appoint up in Paradise today--we have a "chemo education" session with the PA in the chemo dept this morning, followed up by a lymphedema clinic visit in the afternoon, to assess how much help I need from them, and get me started down the right road to getting it.

I might wake up sometime before the first one starts, but maybe not--who the hell cares, my DH has to drive me up the mountain this time. :-) I also get to spend more time goofing off and writing silly blogs HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAULINE in the morning when he drives me because it doesn't take me as long to get ready.

Which jammies shall I wear today? Hmm.

Once chemo starts, whenever that may be now, the plan is that Aimee will take me on chemo days--the days when I'm not able to drive myself. Those are going to be long-ass days, and her taking me will give my DH a much-needed and well-deserved break. {The man ***deserves*** a trip to the Islands, but that's not an option right now. Sadly.} It also gives me some much-needed time with one of my friends...something I desperately need, but need to learn how to ask for better. Some of you kind of force it on me whenever you have a chance, and I really do appreciate it, just as long as no one eats Nemo.
Happy Birthday Pauline!
Bonne Anniversaire!
And now we've reached the most important question of our morning--what, if anything, is for breakfast? Sometimes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and sometimes, it's the most disgusting thought ever. The fun part is that I'm never sure which it will be until riiiiight before. Hmm....I have an hour and a half to decide, along with all the rest of the getting ready to go. happybirthdaypauline
What other crucial information do I need to impart? Oh yes, my fever this morning was 102.6. Not a happy number. My goo was very green this morning, but there was no red to be seen, which was an improvement. Green is still a very unhappy color though.
I would bet a relatively useful appendage that I am quite infected with something or another, so today's visit to the cancer center should answer a lot of crucial questions about when I start chemo and radiation.
I am guessing they will be delaying everything until I've done a course of antibiotics, but I have no idea how this stuff works. I need to work on my list of questions to ask them and go over it with DH in the car so we can try and make the rounds of as many hospital departments as we can while we're up there. It's hard to get people on the phone sometimes, but if you wander around aimlessly from one dept to the next in person, you can usually find someone who has the answer you need.
Ok, off to the shower. I'll probably think of something else while I'm up there, so I'll add it in as needed.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAULINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jaime said...

Gee, is it Pauline's Birthday? Do I have that right or am I thinking of someone else....

I could be wrong about it being Pauline's Birthday. Those things do happen!

I haven't called because I know you can't talk, but let me know the scoop via email or here.

Love you

Anonymous said...

Dude, imagine checking in on someones blog and seeing a happy bday post directed at you?! It's kinda cool! ;-) Thank you as always, at this point with all that is going on with you, to think of me and my little birthday...or look at it this way, with this, I will always be older than you (and Darcy, and Amy (Schmidt) and Mary), you young kids! I hope your healing up for the big event, talk to you soon!