Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

I give you turkeys again just in honor of the holiday. I have no complaints to register today, really, since it's been a very nice day. We got tons of stuff done around the house, getting ready for the painting chaos, first with the parade on tv, and later with Kermie, Piggy, Swedish Chef and company singing Christmas songs to keep us company.

Then we kicked back for a few hours, made a nice Thanksgiving dinner for just the two of us (we got a turkey breast--all the yum, with a tenth of the work!) and then had a three-hour Grey's Anatomy marathon. We're still only two episodes into this season, mind you, but it was still a lot of fun.

(The bit with the hyper kid that George took into the OR was one of the best tv moments in years, IMHO)

And I knitted tiny accessories for tiny snowmen. I love my tiny felted snowmen. Tiny felted snowmen fall into the category of "things which require very little thought and even less stress to make" and are therefore just for fun. I also finished a trilobite for a small girl, save for sewing on the eyes. A knitted trilobite was actually an item on her Christmas list. I shit you not. Lord knows, I aim to please.

Tomorrow will bring more work, of course, but I'm fine with that. It's actually kind of nice to be well enough that I can do something that feels productive. I can't do as much as I want to, and Lloyd has to police me to make sure I don't push myself too far, but it's still nice to feel like I can contribute. I had to quit fairly early today, but still. I solved actual problems and discovered just how much that closet under the stairs can hold. Tomorrow, I get to replant some houseplants which have outgrown their quarters and work on bookcases and such.

Well, and to be fair, I do have one complaint--pain. Lots and lots of pain this evening. Evenings are hard, after being up and doing just about anything at all during the day. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a really bad thing that I'm kind of used to it now. At least with the kids gone, I feel free to yell loudly as needed, when needed without fear of alarming someone. I think Lloyd is used to me and my random loud expletives by now.

I guess that's it...I have a well-fed, happy snoring husband and two REALLY well-fed, happy snoring doggies here with me and a few cats rampaging up and down the stairs. Gracie discovered the joys of turkey today, but tryptophan seems to have no effect on her...

I hope everyone out there had a fantastic Thanksgiving. Sappy as it sounds, I know that I really have a lot to be thankful for this year. Well, I always do, but it seems rather more poignant this year. I am alive, I have all my hair, I'm recovering, I have a paid-off house, purring cats and snoring dogs, I have a husband who loves me and takes really great care of me, and I have an incredible family and friends.

Love you all!

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