Friday, November 28, 2008


Yup, I overdid it yesterday. It didn't really feel like it at the time, and I didn't do anything physically strenuous, but I overdid it. I'm hurting severely in several different ways today, so I'm going to have to take it realllllly easy today.

Repotting houseplants and wrapping gifts sounds like about the level of exertion I can handle, and not much more.

Not much more to report yet, since all I've done since last post is sleep till 11 am.

I did forget something last night though--anyone going to Vegas for VLV this year?!!!! (VLV = Viva Las Vegas 12th Annual Rockabilly Weekender, Easter 2009) I got the wild idea yesterday that I need a cancer-survival celebration, and going to Vegas sounds pretty good. I went ahead and booked a room since there were actually rooms open. The event got moved to a bigger hotel this year, so there are a lot more rooms. If I can't go, for either health or money reasons, or there's no one to go with, I have plenty of time to cancel.

Now I just have to save up to go! I have a little dogsitting money put away and we'll see what else I can manage. And I have to hope that Aimee gets a job real soon and she can go too.

It's something to look forward to. I need that, a lot.

Now to finish waking up and get my butt moving a little bit. But only a little bit today.

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