Tuesday, November 11, 2008

World domination is happening in my kitchen...

Apparently, MY family cannot play a board game at anything less than right-up-against-the-speakers-in-the-front rock concert volume. A game of Risk can now be heard all over the neighborhood, I believe. Luckily most normal people are at work. I am not playing, but no one seems to appreciate my one helpful suggestion, that Alaska is a very strategic property because you can supervise Russia from your backyard.

Martian Death Flu STILL has me in its hold, therefore there is very little to report. I think I might be getting bronchitis, but I'll let you know on that. I have a visit with my internist tomorrow and my gyn on Thursday. I should know something about that nasty little hole after Thursday's visit, and maybe then there will be something to report. Let's all cross our fingers that it's healing well, because I want to get the radiation done and over with as soon as possible.

Until then, I'm just working on sedentary holiday-related activities such as addressing cards and planning shopping lists. I think I'm going to retreat to the living room to knit and turn the tv up to about level 36 to combat the warfare being waged at the dining table. I think my eardrums are bleeding. At least they're having fun, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So hard to think holiday when it will be in the high ninety - low hundred range here for the next week. I think the turkeys are laughing at me.So is the weather.