Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I think I've reached the "now what?" phase. I didn't sleep at all last night, just laid here bored all night. I felt pretty decent this morning, strong, and then I got up and took a shower and that used up all the energy I had, and I'm back to being exhausted. I still keep trying to be productive, Christmas shopping online, and I just keep tiring myself out. I think it's time to try and enforce a break from doing anything productive and just sit and read magazines for a few days. Otherwise, there's nothing to report, which is good, if boring. Incisions are starting to look healed, I'm feeling better, and I'm even considering a return to the downstairs world in the forseeable future. Not today, but soon. Off to force feed myself.

1 comment:

darcy said...

You could sit in bed and think of themes for my presidential campaign... i will need a cool T-Shirt logo or something!