Saturday, January 24, 2009

I SHOULD have taken a picture...

But hell, at least there was no screaming, running, or anything else...just a very dignified trot to the 11 year old's room to wake her up.

Yes, the unthinkable happened. There was a frog in the house. He was perched on the lip of the big pet water dish. Emma kept circling the dish like she was afraid of something, and it took me a few minutes to catch on. I was pouring milk in my coffee and suddenly figured out what it was......and headed off to wake Anna up, milk carton still in hand.

Some mighty hunters my cats turn out to be. Both Oliver & Emma were just watching it, baffled and curious in the very nervous way.

For those that don't know, Anna is the designated Frog Hunter in the household. She catches them for fun and plays with them....OUTDOORS.

For those that really don't know, I am TERRIFIED of frogs. All this begins to make a little more sense once you know that, huh? Makes gardening up here a bitch.

But the moral of this story is that I did not freak out! I've been improving vastly since we've lived up here. I back away quietly and rapidly, but I do not freak out, and sometimes I even look at the frog, from a safe distance.

But not when it's in the house. That is still asking way, way too much!!!!

Thank god for my rescue girl!!


Jaime said...

You should probably be glad the cats just watched the frog. How much worse would it have been to find frog...bits.

And I really wish I could figure out where this fear of frogs came from. We raised tiny frogs in a jar on the kitchen counter when you were 7 or 8. You had no issues with them. Hell, you caught them and brought them inside. You fed them everyday too.

So I'm clueless. *g* Glad Rescue Girl was on the case.

Love you

Anonymous said...

You may be afraid of frogs, but for me it is lizards, I can't stand them and I run the other way. I went to Michael's my 18 yr old apt today and his roommate has an iguana, a snake and a few other reptiles, the iguana was lose and was sitting on the couch, I stayed far from the couch way on the other side of the room, Luckly I had not planned on staying long, I don't think I'll be spending much time there.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Which reminds me, remember our trip to LA to the gig@the Derby (or was it to HOB)? Your laptop at the time had wallpaper of frogs, it was the funniest comic thing, something about two frogs watching another frog levitate? What was that from? Let me know if you remember and know? For the record, I do remember your dislike of frogs, can be justified, now, people who are afraid of a moth, that I still don't understand ;-)

Anonymous said...

Your Aunt Jeanne has a major fear of frogs too! Not to mention lizards & snakes also. Good to know that I am not the only Ribit hater in the family! I think the only thing in the reptile family that I can handle is a turtle. Pretty sad.

I think the frogs are just so slimy and ugly and that big throat thing and they scare me more when they jump around, that really freaks me out...hang in there kiddo,

Love you so much,

Aunt Jeanne