Thursday, January 22, 2009


No, not that kind. But I am in a better mood today, since I'm not feeling quite so horrible, so I can make bad jokes. Bad jokes are a good sign.

I will have some cool pics to post later--no eagles, just cool photos from my drive to Paradise today--but for now, just a couple of quick things.

Annie--thank you for the card! It gave me a good giggle. Could you please send me your email address? I'm

Ericka--I don't have your email either. Send, please?

And to all those on my Dad's side of the family--I found the weirdest thing.... I've mixed V8 V-Fusion Acai Mixed Berry Blend juice with Walmart's black cherry flavored sugar-free carbonated water (cuts the sugar in the juice so I can get some juicy electrolytes without killing my blood sugar levels) and of all the bizarre things, it tastes very, very much like Grandma's famous Christmas punch. You know, the grape juice and ice cream thing. Weird discovery, but definitely not a bad one, considering I love that stuff!!

And, I have some email to return to folks...and I will get to it...but for now I'm going to go back to goofing off and playing with my new puzzles. The cancer center has a table downstairs in the radiation dept that always has a big jigsaw puzzle on it, and everyone works on it. Anna, Lloyd and I have all gotten kind of interested, so we bought ourselves some to fiddle with. Lloyd discovered these boxes at Walmart with five 500-pc, three 750-pc and two 1000-pc puzzles in them, all in themes. We got the "Glorious Gardens" and "Landmarks" sets. The only downside is that they come in just plastic bags in the big box, so I've been sitting here fixing up good zipper baggies and labeling them, and pasting the photos of the finished pictures onto cardboard so we can store them in some nice little plastic tubs. Anal........
Now I go play.

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