Friday, January 30, 2009

One more week!!

Week 4 is finished, and only one more week of radiation, two chemos, and three internal radiations to go!

This is just a quick update... On the way out to radiation this morning, I discovered I had a fever of 100.5, which is precisely the number they gave me as the "must call the doctor" threshold. I took some ibuprofen on the way up, hoping it'd go away by the time I got there, but no such luck.

So, I had to go upstairs to the chemo department to "confess" to my fever, so they promptly plunked me in a room. Dr. Mazj wanted lots of blood panels, a blood culture of some sort, which resulted in removing LOTS of blood. I'm serious....tons and tons!! The tech filled up a few tubes and a couple of bottles, about the size of a tabasco bottle or something.

The good news is that the standard blood CBC panel came back with a neutrophil (white blood cell) count of 5000, which is normal, if the lowest normal, so I was able to get out of there without any further needles being stuck into my arms. Whew. Dr. Mazj does NOT mess around, so you have to watch out for him! He'll have an IV going bfore you even know what hit you. But, again, it's like having an express ticket to medical care whenever I walk in their door. I am on enforced bed-rest for the rest of the weekend, which actually sounds pretty ok.

I think that's it...On Weds, it felt like a cold, Thurs, the flu, and now I'm coughing up green stuff WHEN I can get anything to break up at all. Whee.

Off to bed. Oh, wait, AFTER Ross The Intern at the Superbowl. I can't miss that.
Ross is over, NOW I can sleep, and damn do I need to!

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