Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More pictures!

Ok folks, it's picture time again...
To start us off, the gorgeous draft horses of the Book Family Farm, near Chico. I'm not a huge horse person, realy, but these particular horses are incredible.

These are sandhill cranes. Finally, crane pictures! Sucky crane pictures, but still... The cranes are pretty impressive. They're huge!

And finally....snow geese! There were two huge flocks of snow geese, just past the cranes.

I SERIOUSLY pissed off one flock...

So they flew over and landed at the first flock. They actually moved closer to me, not farher away. Dumb birds.
Dumb, but pretty.
We also saw a bald eagle in flight, way up closer to Paradise than we've seen one before. No idea if it was George or Martha or one of their friends.
In other news, I definitely have a cold or the flu. Seriously. After radiation, I was a smart girl and went upstairs to chemo and told them that I had a flu, and my nurse manager, Lori, immediately went back to the doc and got authorization to put me on antibiotics immediately. Once again, the compromised immune system is priority #1, so we have to watch it rather closely.
The entire week revolves around chemo...getting ready for chemo, having it, and then recovering from it. So, I was a smart girl today. We came home from radiation, I actually ate something and then went straight to bed. No knitting, no reading, no nothing. I zonked out around 2, and Lloyd had to wake me up at 7. And I'm still tired. Very tired.

Otherwise, I don't have any updates or new information. I'm just sort of going......onward and onward.........................

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