Friday, September 5, 2008

The Catbox

Once upon a time (I think it was in June) I ordered some knitting needles and a couple of small skeins of wool yarn from a wonderous place called KnitPicks online. My pretty needles came (That's how I spent my birthday money from Dad Irwin--Thanks!!) and they came in a box. It was not a remarkable box, at least not to normal, human eyes.
Cats, however, feel differently. This box, apparently, is magical, with properties that set it apart from all other boxes, no matter how identical they appear from the outside. There is almost always a cat in the box, and not always the same one. Sometimes there is one cat in the box, and one sitting outside the box looking pissed off.

We have experimented a bit. We've tried moving the box. We've tried adding another box, nearly identical in size and shape. No dice. If you move the box, they find it, but they are not amused. If you add another box, you do not get two cats in two boxes-simply the aforementioned one in one out dilemma.

Apparently, this box is now a permanent part of our furniture. I've given thought to trying to make the box blend a bit by covering it with pretty paper, or fabric or something...but I know deep down that if I did, that would invoke the cat-bed curse and they would ignore it forever. Cats do NOT sleep in or on anything that you purposely design, make or buy for them to sleep in . Not never.

I just find this amusing, like an ongoing science experiment, as I watch at least three cats bicker over who gets the box each day. Hey Sue, recognize that itty-bitty-teeny little gray kitten you dropped off at my apartment? He weighs almost 20 lbs now. Oof!

Just killing time before we head off to Paradise. It really is quite a lovely place, assuming it's not on fire, or recovering from just recently having been on fire. Since a large part of the area WAS on fire for a month or two, it'll be really interesting to see what we can see. We may have to make some detours on the way home for taking apocalyptic photos.

Cross those fingers, toes and eyes that this whole financial aid thing works out.

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