Monday, September 15, 2008

Mammogram Day

Oh, lucky me, it's time for a mammogram and ultrasound just to make sure that really is just a little calcification of some sort and not another nasty lurking in my left boob. At least it means another trip up to the pine trees on top of the ridge in Paradise. There has to be some silver lining, right?

In other good news, I have private yoga lessons set up for tomorrow and Friday. And blood work on Thursday. And phone calls to make, and mental lists of questions to put to paper, and cds to rip and shopping and cleaning and organizing and laundry and packing. Hmm. I think post-op is actually going to seem quite restful compared to my week of fun and games pre-op! At least my only main job after surgery is to sleep a lot.
Sleeping sounds good right now. I don't think I'm awake yet. And my head hurts. Unfortunately, today I feel like I have cancer again. Blech!
Oh, and the little one thoroughly enjoyed her birthday and her birthday loot. The only slight hitch has been in the area of fashion advice, and me trying to explain that while personal style is a personal choice, wearing more than one tie at a time is generally frowned upon. Or at least looked at very, very strangely.

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