Saturday, September 20, 2008

Weekend. Home stretch. Yawn.

I'm tired. Exhausted, beat, pooped. And I haven't even been out of bed for an hour.
Yesterday's yoga session was as good or better than the first one. Lisa actually put me through some poses this time, and I am paying for it now. I'd better do some serious stretching on my own today or I will freeze up like a statue. I guess I'm more flexible than I thought though, because she's impressed with how far I can stretch things. That's good, right?
Yesterday was nice, having a wonderful Red Lobster lunch with my husband after yoga, and then running around a bit doing some shopping and errands. I've been so crazy trying to get ready to go off and have surgery that I haven't been able to spend much time with him, which is just silly, so this was a nice change. The kids are well on their way to recovering from the Martian Death Flu, as I'm calling it, and thus far, I've been spared. Yay!

It seems like the latest plan for surgery day on Weds is that Lloyd and I will meet Dad, my brother, and Pabs in the hospital lobby (I keep typing "hotel lobby" for some strange reason...) at 11:15 so we can get ourselves organized and visit a little bit before my 11:45 check in time. If you're in the area, hey, come on by, it's a party! BYOB. And BYOF, because I can't eat or drink, so I'm not springing for snacks.

Today, just some very managable small goals involving crafy things, mainly. Felting of hats, sewing on of pockets (who makes robes without pockets? Sheesh!), finishing up some more flax and lentil filled compression pillows, stuff like that. Monday is more yoga, and a hair appointment, leaving Tuesday for the final cleaning and fussing about in the bedroom and bathroom and packing.

You notice that I left tomorrow off the list. Ah ha! Tomorrow, I am taking the day off. Actually, I plan on starting sometime this afternoon. I am going to rest, meditate, read, and otherwise do nothing more productive than melt into the couch. I've been really damned productive thus far, I'm tired, I hurt like hell and I'm cramping and bleeding again, joy of joys, so it's time to take a break.

And that's about it...

Wednesday can not come soon enough!

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